LK's Eyes

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Eye colours and how comon they are (MAY NOT BE FULLY ACCURATE):

Brown: 70-79%
Blue: 8-10%
Hazel/Amber: 5%
Grey: 3%
Green: 2%


King tom: Blue.
Queen sophie: Green.
Ramona: Teal?


Little Kelly: Green.
Little Carly: Blue.
Raven: Teal?
Evil Eric: Blue(1) Red(2)
Tiny toby: Blue.
Baby Ellie: Blue.
Elk: Red.
Elc: Red.


So, according to this Blue eyes are more common within children than Green Eyes, Even if they are Queen sophies children.

This is because Blue eyes are naturally more common than Green Eyes within humans.

So it makes sense for carly to have Blue eyes rather than green.

But why does Kelly have Green Eyes instead of blue?


Mother = Queen Sophie (Green eyes)
Father = King Tom. (Blue eyes)

Mother = Ramona (Teal? Eyes)
Father = King tom. (Blue eyes)

Mother = Queen Sophie. (Green Eyes)
Father = Ollie Kissinger. (Green Eyes)


If both of Little Kelly's parents have Green Eyes then it makes sense for her yo have Green Eyes right?

I know i Probably overanalysed a lot of this but now it makes much more sense why Little Kelly is the only child with Continuously Green Eyes (NOT counting ELK when she was a child).

But, this always Raised a Question within me. Was this truly planned?

Was the actual intentions that Kelly had a different father or was that brought in to help Swiftly add more drama into the already Drama-struck household?

At first, it didn't seem like it. But then when I began to analyse it began to make more sense. Little Kelly has Green Eyes because of the fact that both of her parents have Green Eyes. If she was King Tom's child then she probably would've had Blue eyes. This then adds the possibility that ELK might not be King Tom's child either.

Thank you for reading this. :)

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