iv. The Locker Whisperer

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Que un día cruzaría contigo . . .

❛ That one day I would cross paths with you

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That one day I would cross paths with you . . .

    Eunice checked the email that Uncle Richard forwarded to her from the school. It told her everything she needed to know coming in. She had her locker number and combination, a pdf of her schedule, and a map of the building. With that she was all set.

    She scanned the hallways lined with lockers looking for 504. She spotted it and glanced down at the email. She whispered each number of the combination under her breath as she turned the lock. When she went to open it, it didn't budge. She tried again, this time slower, double checking each digit was put in correctly. She lifted the lock and again, nothing.

    "Sometimes you have to give it a good nudge," a voice said next to her. She looked up and saw a boy looking down at her. "Want me to try?"

    She nodded and stepped back, handing him her phone for the combination. He put it in and with a tug harder than her's, the door opened. Eunice's face brightened and she beamed up at him.

    "How'd it work for you and not me?" she asked, stepping towards him.

    "Well I'm the locker whisperer, ya know? It's no biggie," he boasted, making her laugh.

    "Are you the locker whisperer or was mine just jammed?" Eunice asked, squinting her eyes at him.

    "No, I'm definitely the locker whisperer," he joked back.

    "Well thank you anyway. If I couldn't get it opened then I would've just called it a day and gone home," Eunice admitted, taking off her backpack to empty some of its contents into the locker.

    "No problem," the boy said, then paused. "I'm Mason, Mason Andrews. You're new, right?"

    Eunice glanced over at him. "How did you know?"

    "Besides the fact that you couldn't get your locker open, I'm also friends with Lee and Isaac. They told me about you and your sister," Mason explained.

    The girl let out a 'hm', now afraid of how much he really knew about her. "Well, I'm Eunice Howard. You're a sophomore?" The boy nodded. "My older sister, Jackie, is too. You'll probably meet her soon."

    Suddenly Mason felt a light shove at his shoulder. The two looked over to see the boy Eunice had hoped she could have avoided all day. Isaac's smile slightly hindered at the sight of the girl.

    "Isaac, we were just talking about you," Mason said.

    "All good things, I hope," he replied, leaning against a locker, watching Eunice put her book bag back on. She closed the door and turned to Mason.

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