vii. The Isaac Tour

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Solía decirte lo que en esos dias . . .

❛ I used to tell you what in those days

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I used to tell you what in those days . . .

    It took about seven 'I'm fine's for Jackie to convince Eunice that she was telling the truth. Insisting all she needed was a shower, the older girl took her toiletry bag and a change of clothes into the bathroom across the hall.

    Eunice sat on her bed with her sewing kit and Parker's tattered scrunchie. She held each of her purple threads up to the fabric to find the perfect shade to use for it. She settled on a deep violet when a knock sounded at the door. "I'm coming in, New York," the voice of Cole called out. He entered with a tray of food in his hands, quirking his head at the sight of Eunice on her bed. "You're not New York."

    "Yes I am," Eunice retorted, looping the thread through a needle.

    "Right, but where is older New York?"


    "Right, right," he nodded, setting the tray on Jackie's desk. "Hungry? Your plate was salvaged before Jordan could get his grubby little hands on it," Cole explained, setting her discarded spaghetti on the table. Eunice's stomach let out a grumble making Cole snicker. "It's all yours."

    Eunice set down the scrunchie and leaned over to take the plate in her hands. "Why are you being nice?" she asked, shoveling a fork full of pasta in her mouth.

    "Why are you being chatty? I thought you were 'little miss shy'," Cole remarked.

    Eunice shrugged, biting into a meatball. "Because you were all new and I was nervous."

    "But you're not nervous now?"

    "Well you guys aren't new anymore."

    "What are we?"

    Eunice thought of the best words to use to describe the Walter children. The younger ones like Parker and Benny were sweet and kiddish. The older ones, however. "Confusing."

    "Interesting," Cole replied.

    "What are you doing in here?" the voice of Jackie interrogated as she entered the room. She eyed the boy suspiciously as he turned away from the younger sister and smiled at the older one.

    "Dinner," he answered, nodding to the sandwich someone had crafted for her.

    Assuming a conversation needed to be hashed out between the two, Eunice set her fork down and handed her plate to Jackie. "You have the rest," she offered. She collected the frayed scrunchie, her phone, and headphones in her arms then slipped out the room.

    Eunice stepped outside and onto the front porch, taking in the early fall scent. She could still smell hints of summer in the air. She settled on one of the steps in a perfect spot where the sun could hit her skin but she wouldn't turn red from it. She placed her headphones over her ears and waited for the bluetooth to connect. The melody of a song began, soothing her mind as she concentrated on mending the hair-tie.

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