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This wasn't happening. I have waited my whole life for this day and it was just ruined. All thanks to my mortal enemy, Prince Marcus. I suppose it wasn't his fault but I couldn't blame my own father. I should probably explain what I'm so devastated about first. It all started on the night of October 12th. I was strolling down our long marble floor hall making my way to the dining hall. I was ecstatic for it was the day we would begin planning my coronation for queen. It was supposed to be the best day of my life. However, when I reached the dining room I turned to see my father's head hung low. My mother was rubbing his back ensuring him that it would be ok. Something twisted in my stomach. I had never seen my father look this solemn.

"Father, is everything ok?" I asked as a butler pulled out my chair.

Tears began to sting my mother's eyes as my father cleared his throat.

"My darling Mallory, I feel awful for ruining your day but I have grave news."

That was never a good way to start a conversation.
His mouth began to move but his voice wouldn't follow. Finally, mother explained.

"Your father has lost almost all of our wealth to King Stephen and now we will lose our royal title."

I was now on the verge of tears but I refused to look weak in front of them.

"That can't be possible. Surely there is a way to get it back. You could make a deal or do something."

They turned to each other with strange expressions. They were hiding something.
"What aren't you telling me?"

My father finally mustered the courage to speak, "King Stephen has agreed to give back our riches and sign peace between us, if you and their son marry."

Now I knew he was joking but his face said otherwise. Ever since we were little, Prince Marcus has been an itch I could never scratch. I still remember the first day we met. Their family had just moved into their land and our family had arranged a welcome party for them. I had my best butler and maid get me ready and I looked like the sun itself. When Marcus and his family came I greeted them with a warm smile and a curtsy. His parents were angels but he was a monster. He laughed at my dress and the whole night he kept playing tricks and making faces at me. I had had it so while he was busy admiring the art on our walls I grabbed a small frog from the yard and stuffed it in his pants. He began jumping around and running around the house. I was rolling around on the floor with laughter but our parents weren't happy. The worst part was that our families became great friends and often spent time together meaning I had to see him all the time. A war began between us as we played tricks and made jokes. It only ended when we reached our adult years and had matured from those silly pranks. However he was still a thorn in my side always making comments about my appearance or the way I should "act." What did he know? I had excelled at my studies and grown to love the history of our land. All he cared about was knowing his hair was in place.

"Please there has to be another way." I cried out.
My father shook his head and walked over to my chair. What would I do? If I didn't marry him, my family would end up among the peasants and I wouldn't become queen. If I married him though, I'm sure I would suffer a life of insults and commands.

"It's up to you my dear," my mother stated, "perhaps you want to sleep on the proposal."
I nodded silently and slowly got up from the table, beginning the walk to the chambers. I had to make a decision.

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