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God what had happened to me. I thought I'd just mess with Mallory the whole time hoping she wouldn't actually agree to anything, but when I saw her, it was like staring at a goddess. Then when I was untying her corset. I hope she didn't see how hard I got. I had to get out of there. I walked out of there feeling hot. Really hot.

"Did you greet Mallory yet son?" My mother asked me as I walked in to her room.

I stumbled over my words, "Yes I just spoke with her."

Like always my mother began to question me.

"Did she say anything about the marriage?"

I sighed loudly as she glared at me. All they cared about was the money. All they hoped for was that they wouldn't agree to the arrangement so they could keep the money. I tried to ask them why they even gave them a deal but it was always the same answer.

"Why torture them without giving them false hope?" They'd laugh.

She walked a placed her hand on my cheek.

"My sweet boy, look how much you've grown. I know your father wants to torture King Greg but between you and me, I just want you to be happy. If they do agree to our terms, I know you'll make a wonderful husband."

"Thank you mother." I said but I didn't know how to feel.

At first when I would see Mallory, I'd feel like pushing her in a pile of mud. Now when I see her, I want to push her onto a bed and rip that dress right off her skin. I stood up quickly and excused my self to my room. I walked out quickly before my father could speak to me. I fell down on the guest bed and inhaled the smell of the soft feather pillows. It smelled like a mix of lavender and honey. I slowly closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep. I fell into a deep sleep and began to dream. I dreamed of a dimly lighted room with rose petals scattered all around. I had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing only a towel around my waist. I walked out the door and was greeted by Mallory sitting on my bed. Her hair was down and falling down on her shoulders. Her dress was off and all she was wearing was a robe. I glided across the room and pushed her down on the bed. She lightly laughed as I ripped her rope off along with my towel. I bite her lip as she moaned. She gripped the sheets of the bed as I went down her body. Suddenly, I jumped up out of bed in a cold sweat. I was breathing heavily as I got up. I silently walked through the halls making my way to the kitchen. I turned a corner and saw my father walking into King Greg's study. I snuck behind him peaking into the room. He was standing at the desk searching through the drawers. He grabbed something from the drawer and stuffed it in his pocket. He walked out and I sprinted down the hall. The cold hallway chilled my bare chest as I ducked behind a table holding a priceless vase. Father walked by me and he stepped into his room. I went back to the study and walked inside. The room was dark except for the light outside the window. I opened the drawer and inside was a small velvet box. I opened it and inside was a ring with a sparkling diamond in the middle. However, the other ring was no where in the box or drawer. There's only one place it could be. The ring was in my father's pocket. There was just one thing I didn't understand. Why would he steal one of the wedding rings?

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