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I was stunned. After all the times she got upset with me and she still agreed to it. Nobody spoke for a while until my father broke the silence.

"Well we must celebrate."

"And start preparing for the wedding." My mother added.

They all looked so happy except for Mallory. She seemed relieved but also anxious. She stepped out of the room and I followed her. Before I could even get a word out she turned around and kissed me. Hard. She gripped my face and I clenched her waist. It was hot, tongue and all. She pulled away and I stared at her.

"What was that for?"

"I can't explain, just shut up and let's go to my room."

She didn't have to tell me twice. We ran down the hall and jumped onto her bed. She got on top of me as I pulled off the straps of her dress. I sank my teeth into her neck and she slipped her dress off. I ripped my clothes off and wrapped my arms around her lower back. She lowered her hands down to my ass. I moaned.

"Yes. Louder."

I barely had time to breathe. I was loving whatever was in her drink tonight. I rolled on top of her grabbed her ass. God I've never enjoyed myself this much. A knock at the door interrupted us.

"Yes?" She called out.

"Honey it's your father. I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Yes I'm fine but I'm going to go to bed early tonight."


We waited until his footsteps couldn't be heard anymore. I turned and bit her lip while growling. She wrapped her legs around me and played with my hair. God she was hot. As I was pulling away and about to go back in I thought of my father's words before we came here.

He said, "you cannot get attached to the girl. If you do we won't be able to pull out of the deal and make them suffer."

How could I ever listen to him now. However, as we made out his words kept ringing in my head. I couldn't take it. I pushed away from her and quickly ran to put on my clothes.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No I just have to go bed. Good night Mallory."

I ran out of there and headed to my room. I'm such a fool. How could I ever betray the Fullerton's trust when they had treated me with such kindness and love. Especially Mallory. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in."

The Fullerton's butler Reid walked in holding a pair of new pajamas.

"I had your clothes washed for you sir."

"Thank you Reid. May I ask you something?"

He nodded and sat down in a chair close to me.

"If you were give two decisions and both a positive and negative outcome how would you be able to decide."

He pondered the question before answering, "I believe the best way to decide something is not by thinking of what will be effected but who will be effected. Who will be hurt? Who will be satisfied? Taking in all perspectives."

His words struck a cord in me. I thanked him and he walked out. I changed and thought about what he had said. I would have to make a decision. Now I knew how Mallory had felt. I stood still lying in my bed contemplating what I should do. I sighed. I didn't have the brains like Mallory. I started to drift off when I suddenly thought of the ring my father took. It hit me. He would blame the Fullertons for losing the ring and call off the wedding. They would be crushed. Their lives would be ruined. The thought of these kind people being betrayed and sent to the streets made me sick. I knew what I had to do.

"Annabelle we need to talk." I yelled as I ran to her the next morning.

"Is there a problem Prince Marcus?"

"Yes, but we can't talk here."

I grabbed Annabelle's wrist and pulled her into a guest room.

"My father is planning on pulling out of the marriage by framing the Fullertons for losing one of the wedding rings."

She looked shocked but couldn't say a word. Then we heard footsteps. I held up my finger to her mouth. We waited till they faded away before I cracked open the door. We walked out of the room and went in different directions. Little did I know that Mallory was watching from the corner.

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