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Some people hated Mondays. Rachel Holling didn't exactly hate the first day of the work week. At the same time, she didn't exactly like it, either. Monday just was. Not good or bad in and of itself. Simply a day, like any other day. A day to live. A day to work.

Rachel set the flat of cans down on the floor and began restocking the shelf. The new cans were supposed to go behind the ones already on the shelf, though some people didn't follow that rule, saying it was too much of a pain. Rachel did follow that rule, no matter how much of an inconvenience it seemed to be. This was part of her job, and she was going to do her job right.

After setting up a tall step stool, Rachel started stocking the upper shelves. She didn't mind being short, but it did make some tasks harder.

Rachel found her thoughts sliding towards Fatima Villa. Fatima would probably need a ladder to stock shelves if she worked in a grocery store. But as far as Rachel knew, Fatima didn't have any job besides directing DCRL. Or maybe Ms. Villa did have some other job. Maybe if she poked around the DCRL website, she'd find out more about her.

Rachel finished stocking the flat of cans and went back to the flat cart for another. Monday was delivery day at Harper's (formerly known as Harper's Foods, and still called so by many) so there was a lot of unloading to do.

After first shift ended, Rachel stood just inside the sliding doors, waiting for her father to come and pick her up. Finally, she recognized the navy blue van pulling into the little parking lot, and waved to her dad as she headed out the sliding doors.

At 19 years old, Rachel lived at home with her parents, and was still trying to figure out what she wanted to do, for lack of a better word, as a career. She liked animals, but didn't want to be a vet. Dinosaurs were one of the animal groups she was interested in, and her parents had encouraged her to apply to volunteer at the DCRL sanctuary.

"So, we're going to the sanctuary after you change at home?" her father asked.

Rachel squirmed inwardly at her indecision. "I guess so."

"You guess so?" he asked, glancing at her. "I thought you said you weren't going to email a negatory, and you were going there this afternoon?"

"Yeah, that's right." She nodded as she looked out the window, watching the world whiz by through her ghostly reflection. This would be an interesting experience, and if she didn't like it, she could always stop.

At home, she changed out of her skirt and polo shirt into loose cargo pants and a t-shirt. Pants were not something she usually wore, but she felt they were probably a good idea for whatever she might do during training at the sanctuary.

At the DCRL Cypress Sanctuary, they parked and walked to the open entry gate.

"Hi," Rachel said to the boy behind the desk. "I'm here to train to be a volunteer. Ms. Villa said I should just come in after work and talk to whoever I run into."

The boy nodded. "You can go on in." He pointed. "There's a building over there that says 'Offices'. Go wait outside. That's where you start the training."

The desk guy looked at Rachel's father. "Are you here for volunteer training, too?"

"No, I'm her dad. I'm sticking with her." He smiled.

The desk guy hesitated. "I'm not sure..." He shook his head. "You know what? Whatever. Both of you go ahead. Just stick together." He pulled his walkie-talkie from his belt, and Rachel heard the crackle of static as he used it, though she didn't hear what he said.

They reached the same little building where Rachel had had her interview, and stood outside, waiting, as they'd been instructed.

Despite her uncertainty, excited anticipation built inside of Rachel, and she found herself grinning. As she and her father looked at the chain link enclosures from where they stood, Rachel marveled at and admired the beautiful animals lounging or pacing inside.

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