Chapter 3

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Kenny pov:
as i watched butters close his door to his house my cheeks begin to warm up then i yelled so loudly "SCORE!!" As i kept walking to my house i kept thinking about butters he is just so beautiful and like a angel that is so innocent yet like mary but there is this one thought that kept bothering me,its his father, he's father will never accept us how i know? Because it's obvious he is strict asf and so fucking rude he says he is just protecting his son but he abuse his wife and butters which its fucking stupid i could treat butters better even his mom too though if me and butters ever date then we will have to date secretly since he's dad will definitely kill him but anyways as i got home i said hi to my mom and she was just trying to clean since she wants to get better and start a new life

Hi mom

Carol:Hii kenny,how was school?

It was good as always,but how has it been with your new job?

Coral:it's actually been good they gave me my first pay check and its not much but it alot for dinner and clothes!

That's great mom maybe karen can actually get something for Christmas from "santa"

Coral:your right!,though we have to hide the money from your dad cause he just gonna buy drugs and cigarettes

You got it mom!,btw im proud of you ma you're actually getting better which i love you more like that

Coral:awh thank you kenny,im just trying my best!,ok but go do your homework or something while I prepare for dinner!

Alr ima go check on karen

I love how my mom is changing since she wants karen and i to be a better person but anyways as i head up to karen room i saw her playing with one barbie while brushing her hair

Hey karen,how has it been?

Karen:heya! Kenny,and its been great! Ma was so happy today and we both danced!

That's great karen,hey you excited for Christmas?

Karen:yess! I can't wait for santa to give me a present!

Well im sure he is gonna get you one since you have been good all year!


Well ima head to my room ,tell me if you did something alr?


I gave her a kiss in the forhead and head to my room,I always worried for karen safety since she is only little and is having trouble with all the loud noises that my mom and dad make from their fighting,but she is only little and is having a rough childhood which i don't want her to end up like me cause i love her ,though Kevin he has always been a great big brother he just busy and hates being home cause of dad but I understand him cause i do the same thing,i think he is gonna come today to check up on us im glad he still loves us and cares too
But yea anyways i jumo onto my bed and scroll through instagram as I kept scrolling i saw butters post something,it was him posing with a kissy face and hello kitty pjs

I gave her a kiss in the forhead and head to my room,I always worried for karen safety since she is only little and is having trouble with all the loud noises that my mom and dad make from their fighting,but she is only little and is having a roug...

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(Just imagine butters is doing this pose and this kissy face but not the fit or girl or anything ,the girl is so pretty though-)

As I kept looking at his recent photo i liked it and commented "beautiful boy😍"  but as I kept scrolling through his comments i saw cartman saying " im hotter" he wishes butters has better features thanks to his mom but i still kept looking and saw one with the boy butters talked to i think he's name is bradley but he said " pretty boy❤️" somehow i felt a bit jealous and said i could treat him better but as i kept scrolling i heard someone open my door and i threw my phone across my room and saw Kevin he just stared at me and grabbed my phone to see what was I looking at,i hid my face under the blanket as he looked then he walked over to me and giggled

Kevin: hey lil bro, heyy its alr idc if you like a boy honestly you found a keeper

Really?,didn't know you will react like that

Kevin:lol its alr but what's his name??

He's name is leopold but his nickname is butters

Kevin:ahh ok ok well i see you lil bro getting girls or bros

No it's different this time cause i really really love him with all my heart and i will do anything for him!
Kevin just stared in surprised and smiled

Kevin: im glad you found someone that actually cares for you and your true love,hope i can meet him someday

Yea maybe you could!

Kevin:yep!,well lets go mom made dinner


As we both head to the table we sat down and just talked and ate

Carol:how has it been kevin?

Kevin:it has been good,got a job and i get pay really good,you mom?

Carol:same here!,got a jobs aswell

Kevin:i can see that since you made actually dinner

Carol:yep! Did my best!

Karen: I finished mommy!

Carol:alr sweetie let me wash that for you

Same here mom i finished ima leave my plate in the sink

Carol:alr kenny,good night!

Good night!!!

Kevin:night kenny

Night kevin



Me and karen giggled as i head to my room,as i jump onto my bed i pulled the blanket and close my eyes trying to sleep which only helped by dreaming about butters

Oh how i love him❤️

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