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Let's start
Kk: what happened
Teju: I am looking at you why sudden changed
Kk: why u don't like it u want me to become Rude
Teju: no no I did not mean that
Kk: but u said it
Teju: I m sorry
Kk: no u get punishment for this
Teju: hmm
Kk: yes don't be shocked I m serious
Teju: are u serious
Kk: yes
Teju: OK say what punishment u give
Kk: are u ready for punishment
Teju: yes
Kk: OK then let's go
Teju: where
Kk: for punishment
Teju: now
Kk: yes now
He hold her hand and take her out

In car
Teju: where are we going
Kk: just be ready for your punishment
Teju: OK
Kk: how cold it is boring
Teju: excuse me I m not boring OK
Kk: oh my God jassi ki raani
Teju: I m sorry
Kk: for what
Teju: because of fight
Kk: fight when we fight
Teju: now 2 sec
Kk starts laughing 😃
Teju: why u laughing
Kk: u are such a innocent and I love innocent people 💗 😁
Teju: I m sherni
Kk: yeah yeah no doubt innocent sherni
Teju: I want ice cream
Kk: OK boss
Teju: now that's my sunny 🌞 I love you
Kk: hmm what u said
Teju: hmm nothing I m hungry let's go
Kk: OK ok baba
Teju: fast
Kk: how can I drive fast
Teju: I drive u crazy
Kk: hmm what
Teju: nothing I m just kidding
Kk: deep jokes or your thoughts maybe
Teju: shutup and playfully hit on his hand buy a ice cream for me please
Kk: OK boss

And he stops the car infront of the shop
Teju: why u stop here
Kk: u want ice cream naa
Teju: yeah
Kk: so here it is ice cream shop
Teju look towards the shop and get sad
Kk: what happened
Teju: hmm nothing
Kk: so let's go then
Teju: hmm
And she went to open the door
Kk: wait
Teju: we are going somewhere else
Kk: no u want
Teju: no no u stop me so I thought
Kk: ohh OK ok wait
And he comeout from his car and went to her side and open the door
Teju: karan
Kk: hmm
Teju: nothing
And she comeout from the car
Kk: let's go And he give her hand
Teju pass the smile and hold his hand and they went inside

In shop
Boy: hello sir hello mam
Kk: hello hello how are u
Boy: absolutely fine sir how are u
Kk: perfect teju
Teju: hmm
Kk: see menu and order
Boy: she is with u sir
Kk: yes my friend
Boy: oh
And he is watching her from up down
Kk: what happened bro
Boy: nothing bro u sit your order is coming
Kk: OK thanks come teju and move her chair
Teju: thankyou
Kk: in friendship no thankyou no sorry
Teju: 😊
Kk: wow such a beautiful smile
Teju blush 😊 ☺
Kk: are u blushing
Teju: no no.. o
Kk: OK I feel
Teju: Karan
Kk: wait excuse me it's sunny for u
Teju: OK ok sunny can I ask one question
Kk: yeah sure
And he looking at her
Teju: why u love this place did u have any memories
Kk: yes lots of some good some bad
Teju: hmm
Kk: I mean taste
Teju: oh OK
In between his phone rings
Kk: oh its important I have to take this excuse me
Teju: yeah sure
Kk: u sit I m coming
Teju: hmm
And he went out in between order camed
Waiter: mam your ice cream
Teju: thankyou
and she is waiting for kk but he not came yet
After 15 mins she is waiting for him
Waiter: mam your ice cream is melting
Teju: yeah I am just waiting for him
Waiter: sure
And still he not comeback and she getup
Waiter: wait where are u going
Teju: out
Waiter: running hmm paid the bills and then go
Teju: see I am going to see karan
Waiter: stop this drama just pay
Teju: see he went outside he pay
Waiter: shutup wait I call police I knew it tye way u are looking definitely u are theif
Teju: I m not theif
Waiter: shutup and he dial the number and call it
Police: hello
Waiter: hello and he Narate story and filed the complaint
Police: OK we are coming
Waiter: OK
And he disconnected the call
Teju: see I m not theif
Waiter: shutup if u are not so just pay the bill
Teju: I said naa he is coming
Waiter: stop this drama police will talk to u
After few mins police came
Police: hello
Waiter: hello sir come
Police: anyone filed a complaint here
Waiter: yes yes its me sir
Police: tell me what happened
Waiter: sir this girl she ate ice cream and now not paying bills
Police: hmm these type girl did these tricks Constable arrest her
Teju: no trust me I am not theif trust me
Constable: shutup and he locked her hands
Police: let's go
Teju: sir trust I m not theif 🥲 please
Police: whatever u want to say say in police station and they make her sit on the jeep and everyone looking at her
Man: these kind of women's do these tricks shameless
Man: yeah today's time boys are also not safe
Man: correct
Teju is listening and her eyes get moist
Constable: sit
Teju: trust me I m not theif
Constable: sit
In between someone is watching everything from behind
Teju: please please
Constable: shutup and sit inside and she push her
In between kk camed
Kk: what is happening here
Teju: karan
And she run and hugged her 🥲
Kk: why u crying
Police: hello did u know her
Kk: yes she is my friend what happened
Police: there is a complaint against her
Kk: what complaint
Police: she came here and not payed the bill
Kk: what is this manager
Manager: I m sorry sir I was not here its all happened in my absence
Kk: if u don't trust so let's finish this friendship
Manager: no please because of u I m here don't say this
Kk: excuse me inspector it's is a misunderstanding
Guy: I m sure she is theif definitely she is doing drama and u also be safe these kinds of girls do these tricks
Teju starts crying 😢
Guy2: fake tears
Kk: shutup everyone and u I m very disappointed
Manager: I m sorry Karan
Kk: no need let's go teju
Police: u can't take her
Manager: sorry sir I m taking my complaint back
Police: are u sure
Manager: yes sir
Police: OK let's go
And they left
Manager: sorry Karan
Kk: no need let's go teju

And they left

Hope you guys like it give me a love ❤

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