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Let's start
Teju just crying massive 😢 😭 💔 her insecurities and confident is getting low her eyes are getting swelling after long cry she getup and clean her tears and straight went to the room where he is locked she open it went inside kk look towards her and he saw her face swelling and looking dull
Kk: what happened he ask in a concern way
Teju: nothing
Kk: why u looking dull suddenly
Teju: I m fine
Kk: I don't feel
Teju: I said naa I m fine and she looked him
Kk: did u cried
Teju: no
Kk: your eyes are looking swell you are looking dull what happened sudden
Teju: my daughter is missing u she is fighting for you she loves you alot I don't want to see her sad so I decided to release
Kk: really I don't feel u are saying true
Teju: it's true
Kk: sudden change hmm 15min before u were fighting u don't want to release me and suddenly u are open my hand why
Teju: I don't want to answer anything to you u just meet her she is waiting
And teju open his hand and hold his and bring him out
Teju: karaswi Karaswi Karaswi
Karaswi: yes mama coming
And she camed down and get shocked and at the same time happy 😊
Karaswi: buddy and she ran and hugged him
Teju: see I told u I bring your buddy here he is happy 😊
Karaswi: yes mama happy where were you hmm
Kk: sorry baby I went for a work your mama call me and told me that you are missing me so I just take a leave and just come to you
Karaswi: oh buddy I love you
And she hugged him beautifully and teju is watching and she is feeling insecure and tears drop 💔 and she left From there
Karaswi: where Is mama gone
Kk: did u said anything to your mama
Karaswi: no
Kk: hmm
Karaswi: actually yes
And she tell him everything
Kk: very bad karu she had more right than me u hurt your mother do u know
Karaswi: buddy u know mama got strict day by day
Kk: and what u did that she got strict
Karaswi: I did nothing she just don't want me to play with you
Kk: she is just missing you baby
Karaswi: but where I gone
Kk: OK just tell your mama that u are with her and you are not going
Karaswi: hmm
Kk: where Is your mama room
Karaswi: up
And they went upstairs
In between teju clean her face and went to Karaswi room and start cleaning her Room
Kk: mama is not here
Karaswi: yes and she turn and look at her in room
Mama is there
And kk look at her
Karaswi: mama is cleaning my room
Kk: see you did so wrong and mama Is taking care of you
Karaswi: hmm sorry
Kk: don't say to me say to your mother
Karaswi: hmm
And she went inside and hugged her mother back
Teju: what happened karu
Karaswi: sorry mama
Teju: why baby
Karaswi: u loving me taking care of me and I hurt you sorry and she holds her ears
Teju: it's OK mama loves you see mama brings your buddy now u stay with your buddy forever hmm
Karaswi: really mama buddy will with us
Teju: no baby u will stay with your buddy
Karaswi: mean
Teju: I tell you wait
Before she tell her kk come inside
Kk: teju please
Teju: what
Kk: don't say anything my swear
Teju: don't give me this I just want my daughter to be happy so I decide do give her happiness karu
Kk: Karaswi
Karaswi: yes buddy
Kk: do u love your buddy
Karaswi: very much
Kk: do u listen to me
Karaswi: yes buddy
Kk: OK then go and clean your room do you know clean room did u do that for me
Karaswi: yes buddy but you don't anywhere promise
Kk: ok buddy promise now go
Karaswi: OK
And she left

Teju is looking to the otherside and her eyes are full of tears 😢 😭
Kk: teju
After listening his words teju start acting and said
Teju: please don't go she can't live without u she needs u
Kk: I don't want to camed between you
Teju: nothing like that she loves u I was wrong u just be with her I want to make a food for her please excuse
And she left
Kk: teju listen teju
And went behind her
Kk: listen to me teju listen
Teju: what u get your daughter now what u want
Kk: please punish me I m ready but please don't cry and get sad please
Teju: I m fine
Kk: I can seen in your eyes
Teju: just shutup and she pushed him lil I said naa I m fine u just go I will tell her that you are his father and u can take your daughter
Kk: what do you mean u can she is yours also
Teju: she loves you and I don't want to come between
Kk: no u are not coming I camed
Teju: no karu Karu Karaswi
Karaswi: yes mama
Teju: u were asking where is your dad
Karaswi: yes
Teju: u want to meet
Karaswi: yes mama
Kk: teju stop it karu I m leaving baby take care
Karaswi: where are u going
Kk: going to my home
Karaswi: why 🥺
Kk: baby I have to go u just promise me that you takecare of your mama and don't miss behave
Karaswi: OK I will not but u don't go please
Kk: sorry baby I have too
Karaswi: mama say na don't go why he can't stay with us hmm wait I have an Idea
Teju: what
Karaswi: u Marry with my buddy and make him my dad
After listening that teju and kk gets shocked 😲 and look at eachother

Stay tuned ❤

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