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"So then, Mr travelled 7 thousand miles to explore New Zealand but has spent a week exploring my house, what's your plan?" Madi had been home from work for an hour and as what had become our routine, I refused to let her cook. She'd been out all day and it was the very least I could do. Truth was the longer I was back with Madi the less I wanted to leave. I know I came out here to explore and I have been. I've been heading out on a morning, driving as far as I could before coming back in time for Madi getting home. 

I came out here to find something. I had been under the impression that the something I was looking for was confirmation that the life I had would be worth it. Handling Violet, the hospital, following my parents' dream for me. Taking 3 weeks to travel was supposed to make me realize that it didn't fulfill me and I'd go home in August with a fresh outlook that would push me to set a date with Violet and start my future properly. 

In the 8 days since getting on that plane, all I have discovered is 2 things. New Zealand is a hell of a lot more impressive than I'd expected and that I'd spent 18 years with a huge hole in my chest I hadn't been noticing. A hole only Madi and her family have been able to fill. 

3 times this week we've been at Willa's place for dinner. Aspen has been begging for me to pick her up from school and with a face like that, how on earth am I supposed to refuse? That and the way Willa and Andy are looking at Madi is tugging at every fiber of my being. I know something's happened with Madi that she's keeping out of my sight just from those looks. Every time she laughs at my stupid jokes or when we're bickering over a board game like we're kids again. It's the look you give someone you haven't seen laugh in a while. 

"Don't have one." I shrug, watching her from the corner of my eyes as she pours 2 glasses of wine beside me. "I have been exploring anyway. I've made it down to Lake Tarawera. I'm going to try hit the Waitomo caves tomorrow. Just because I'm coming back here every night doesn't mean I'm not leaving the house you know." I could feel her eye roll. "Do you not want me here shortstack?" 

"I never said that." Madi slowly let out a breath and I turned to face her, pushing my hip into the counter and watching her, something that was quickly becoming one of my favourite past times. "You know you can't stay here for your full trip Noah. You were supposed to be driving from town to town, taking everything in. I don't want you to hold beck just because you know I'm here." 

"Then come with me." 


"I've still got 2 weeks. I'll go further if you come with me." 


"No, listen. I was thinking about it. You said on the plane your jobs pretty chill right? Call it an expedition. A fact finding trip. Come back with some numbers on the animals we've seen out there, save a few that need help. Or- I don't know- take 2 weeks vacation." Madi stared at me. Her mouth dropping open as if she wanted to say something but then changing her mind and closing shut. "Your mom told me you haven't taken any this year yet so that's not an excuse you can use. I could really do with an experienced tour guide so I don't get lost and wander into a volcano accidentally, you need a break from work and it'd be the perfect time for us to spend some time together without you heading off to work." 

She continued to watch me and I took a small step closer, pushing the glass of wine towards her whilst she debated it. I'd dropped Aspen off this afternoon and after a cup of herbal tea from Willa, I was told Andy is technically Madi's boss. If she wanted to do this, she could. There was nothing holding her back right now except what she wanted and I wanted her to want it. I wanted her to chose to rebuild our friendship so the distance wouldn't return us to strangers. I don't think I could handle losing Madi again. The universe has decided that now was the right time to hand Madi back to me and I wasn't going to let go now that I could do something about it.  

"And as a doctor, I think you need a break." 

"You sound like my mother." 

"Strictly a doctors opinion. It is in no way tainted by your mother's opinion. I swear." Madi raised an eyebrow. "Remember when we were kids and we used to plan out what we were going to do when I could drive? All the places we were going to go, how we were going to drive to the country and star gaze in my car? Get lost on back roads and watch bears cross the road in front of us?" Her shoulders loosened, "We can now Mads. 2 weeks of it. Just you and me in the middle of nowhere counting stars." 

"You can do that Noah. I have work." I sighed, moving ever closer, grabbing her face in my hands so she was forced to look at me. 

"I need you to show me Mads. I see how you look at everything. I see you loving life and I need to learn how to do it and I need to work out exactly what I want from the rest of my life. You know you were the only person who saw more of me than a doctor. You're the only person who told me I could be an astronaut or a knight or a vet. I need you, specifically you, to help me find out what I want. Because what I have back home, what's waiting for me back in Vancouver, it isn't giving me what I felt when we were kids imagining our future and I feel lost." Madi blinked slowly. "Please Mads. Gimme 2 weeks. I'll pay for everything. Food, gas, hotel rooms. 2 weeks of me and you with no responsibilities, no expectations, not a worry in the world. Just us out there trying to feel how we did when we were kids." 

Her lips twitched, pulling to one side in full consideration. 

"10 days." 

"13." She scowled. "I'll drive." 

"Fine." My heart thudded in my chest, smile breaking on my face. "13 days but we can't go until tomorrow afternoon." 

"Deal." I stepped back, holding a hand out for her to shake and she did, breaking off only because her phone started blaring it's basic ringtone. Her smile dropped as she looked down to the counter. "You should go pack. I'll bring dinner up when it's ready." She pulled her phone off the side, pulling up to her ear as she walked past me, hand landing on my shoulder gently. 

"Hi Teddy... No, I'm free. How are you?" 

Road trip is on.
How's everyone back home? 

Well, I only had 12 bitchy messages from your fiancé
today so we're down on those. Your dad left me 1 voicemail 
threatening to pull you from the will if you ruin your career.
So in summary- better, stop asking. I've got this. 
How's it going with the girl trying to steal my best friend title?

Green isn't a good colour on you. 
What has Violet said? 

You're over there to kick your head back to reality man.
Stop worrying about everyone here. They can survive
without you. They're not worried about you, they're
worried about you damaging your future. You deserve
a break. You worked hard for this.
Enjoy your time off. Check in when you can. 

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