A Rainy Night

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The routy sounds of partying filled the tavern as a hooded figure sat lonely at the bar sipping his ale, as they lifted their arm to drink their armour clinked and rattleted altho their large hood and cloak covered the source of the sound.

Suddenly the doors thrashed open as a sout figure walked through the doors unveiling his hood showed a large ornate bear, decorated in jews and gold and silver bands, "dwarves" the lonely figure though with disgust as he turned back to his ale, the dwarf took a seat next to the figure and took a look at the figures drink "hey barkeep? Get me one of what hes havin' ". "It's called ale dim-wit," said the figure in a pompis demeaning way, "woah calm down there, we're all just here to drink and forget our sorrows, no need to get lippy". The figure said nothing, "not a talkative one are ya? Name gyldin" the figure turned to gyldin revealing his front side, showed a full suit of ornate steel armour decorated with gold trips and a pauldron on his left shoulder, "woah nice armour lad! Looks like one my pops made a few years ago for a nobel." "the noble's eyes widened with shock as he quickly looked away. The dwarfs mind raced for a second until it hit him. "You are that nobel, of family vermont in venable if i'm not mistaken. Your a far way from home-". The nobel slammed his drink down and pushed his face into the dwarfs "keep your voice down dwarf. Els ill spit your head from your shoulders". "Message received" gyldin replied confused "so? Why are you so far away from home? You on some sort of mission?" the dwarf asked. "My business is my own".silence followed.

Some time after, rain outside had picked up and a man in the far corner of the room stood and walked out whistling as he did, this caught the nobles attention, he pulled a handful of coins out of his purse and put them down on the table and then stood up but got interrupted by a familiar voice, "you just gonna leave your drink half drunk? Ya know where i come from that's considered back luck" the dwarf said, "you want it? You can have it." the nobel said swiftly and walked out not listening to the dwarfs response.

Outside the rain was poring hard the nobel raped him self in his cloak and pulled his hood down to protect his armour from the rain, he walked down the road and turned in to a ally no more then 2 meters wide, when a man came walking down the ally way from infront of him, he could tell he was holding a knife he knew he was going to acost him, but he did not let it show, instead he readyed himself. They walked past each other with no issues, he was surprised. He kept walking down the alleyway when he got to the end he was faced by two men holding knives threatening at him, he turned around only to be met by the man he passed also holding out his knife "alright you know the drill, empty out your pockets, man sounded confident, sure, brave. The nobel reached for his collar to unclip his cloak. "Hey no funny business", "this cloak is pure silk, a family heirloom, i assume you would have wanted it?" "The men looked at eachother confused when the younger of the two said "y-yeah we'll take it" he unclipped his cloak and it promptly fell in the rough winds revealing his glistening armour and sword placed on his back. "Oh shit" said the older of the two "yeah and we'll take the armour to" swiftly drawing his greatsword off his back the nobel held the handle to the side of his head and thrusted it back wards the pummelled met the head of the man behind them, promptly a THUNK was herd as his head hit the stone road. The lack of a response or a "ouch" indicated he was unconscious. The nobel switched his guard the hold his sword to the ground.

The older of the two muggers ran at him, knife held high point down, the mugger brang the knife down and the nobel swifty med his sword with the man's arm cutting it clean off, the blood spraying all over the noble's armour. "Great, I have to de-rust it now". The man fell to the floor clutching what was left of his arm screaming in pain, the nobel quickly pointed his sword at the younger mugger, in response he dropped his knife and held his hands high. "Look i-i-i don't want any trouble". The nobel took a handful of copper coins and gave it to the young man "take him" he pointed to the man on the floor. " to a doctor and never do this again, or I will find you". The young lad fearing for his life got his brother on his feet and they left.

The nobel sheathed his sword and put on his cloak which was now soaking wet. Looking at the unconscious man on the ground he was puzzled on what to do with him. Leave him? Turn him in? Kill him? He ultimately decided to turn the man in, picking the man up and heaving him on his shoulder, taking one arm out of his cloak to support the man, leading to even MORE rust the oil applied this morning would have definitely washed off by now with all the rain, blood and wind. He walked to the guard tower up ahead, was familiar with the guard towers each holding a Holding cell for common criminals. He approached the guards above "excuse me sir and or mam? May I have you for a second?" The nobel said, some footsteps were heard and a few seconds later, a woman clad in plated mail armour holding a crossbow stepped out of the tower's door, "how can i help you?" "i was just accosted by 3 gentlemen a second ago, two fled while this one was knocked out" the nobel said "i was wondering what that commotion was" the guard said "and i'm guessing you're here to turn this man in?" "yes, yes i am" the nobel responded "ok please step inside, and please feel free to take of your cloak and boots to dry" stepping inside with the man on his shoulder he noticed the cells behind a thin set of stairs, and a small table with 2 chairs to his left "just lay him down to the right there. To the right was a bench wide enough to support the man laying down, he property laid the man down, and took a seat at the desk, "alright turn in by civilian form. I'm just going to have to ask you a few questions if that's ok ""of course" he responded. "Ok so first name of suspect?"she asked, "unknown" he responded, she wrote something down, "accused of crime?", "aggravated theft" he responded, "and finally name of civil turn in?" "I would rather keep that private" the Nobel said "the woman look at him with a tiny bit of suspicion and after a moment said"well thank you for turning him in you have a good night now" "you as well"he responded as he walked out of the tower closeting the door behind him.

He walked down the road some more until he came across his cart. It was driven by a horse, had a cloth draped over it to protect it from rain and was -for now- his home. He climbed inside, took off his armour and sword and placed them inside a box which he locked, re rolled out a bedroll and laid down, for sometime he laid unable to sleep instead running over the events of the day, after his reminiscing his eyes grew heavy and he fell to sleep.

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