The Black Smith

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he morning sun woke the noble with its blinding light, filling the cart with an orange hue he was rather fond of. He would have to move the cart before the markets opened else he would be trapped by a swarm of merchants and farmers, he knew this from experience. So our draped on his civilian clothing and sat in the driver's seat of his cart with a whip of the reigns the horse was awoken the trotting down the road, he planned on placing the cart out of the towns walls where the house could graze and his valuables would be safe from any brigans. After a few minutes he found a safe place underneath a large tree where his house would not be attacked by the sun. After making sure the house wouldn't run away with all his belongings he took his armour and sword from its box and put it in a large rucksack, and walked back into town.

by the time he arrived the markets where already beginning to attract people, he paced around the square looking for a blacksmith to fix his armour and sword maybe even sharpen it, if it needed it. After some time he found the place, a small stone building with wooden supports along the corners a sign hung from above the door, "gyldin black smithing and repairs" the name was familiar but he couldn't quite remember, but he entered non the less. As he opened the door a bell rang and a voice came shouting out from behind the low counter "just a moment". Once again the voice was familiar but he couldn't quite place it. He walked to the counter nonetheless. Soon after a stout figure came walking to the counter he dusted off his hands and looked to meet the eyes of the Nobel "ah lord Vermont what a surprise, what can I do you for?" The dwarf was dressed in an apron , long pants and boots with metal soles and toes. "Of course it had to be you, and it's vermorn not Vermont." The Nobel said in an aggressive tone. "Well my apologies, but I am running a business here so, what can I do you for?" The Nobel took out his armour and sword and placed them on the counter. "I got into a predicament with some thugs last night and I wish to insure my armour is not rusted or chipped". "A de rusting job? Well you came to the right place my friend that will be 2 gold" gyldin said "why so cheap it's normally 5 minimum?" "For the ale last night" he winked. The Nobel handed him the gold. The dwarf took the armour out back and took a magnifying glass and inspected the armour closely, "blood from the right side in the rain I see, cut someone's arm off?" The dwarf asked. "How on earth can you tell?" Asked the Nobel men. "Well I've spent a few good years in battles, I was a grynzil" "a royal guard to the dwarven kings?" "Ah I see you know your dwarven couture" "I've done many a civil dispute with the dwarven kings. They never seem to get along do they?" "Aye you could say that again haha". Suddenly the doorbell rang as 3 men walked in "I'll be but a moment gents" the dwarf said one of the men approached the Nobel, he could feel his gaze burning into his skull. He did not have a good feeling about this

He sensed an incoming engagement thankfully his sword was in arms reach the dwarf came back to the counter and handed the Nobel his armour "there ya go good as new" "thankyou" he responded. The Nobel heard some whispering the faint sound of weapons being drawn. He swiftly grabbed his sword off the counter and held it ready, the two men were holding daggers and swords. The dwarf seeing the approaching battle ran somewhere off. Same old dwarf careless when it comes to the altercations of others. One of the men approached him swinging his sword downward, the Nobel met his sword with his and pushed him backward. The other man rushed at him, the nobel used this opportunity to take a slash at the man's side leaving a small gash on the man's side. "Death to house vermorn" one of the men said while striking at the nobel leaving a small slice in the nobels clothing and chest, the fighting continued for many minutes, nobel without his armour did not rush aggressively until a heavy footsteps came, each one getting louder and louder.

Suddenly the dwarf ran out from a door to the nobles' right, the armour was decorated in golden runes in the dwarven language. His helmet was shaped in the shape of an anvil with two slots for his eyes and a long metal plate covered his beard. In each hand holding an ornate hammer with small studs on the face of the weapon, "you two out NOW!" He yells " you don't scare us dwarf " one of the men say cockilyy "wrong choice" the dwarf responds as he begins sprinting towards the men, readying his weapons to strike, the nobel utilising the distraction of the attackers, drives his sword into one of the mens neck, a killing blow. The dwarf leaps into the air and brings down one of his hammers on the man's head, launching him to the ground with a gruesome "CRUNCH". Both the nobel and the dwarf catch their breath and lower their weapons.

"So you weren't lying you are a grynzil" the noble says with shock, "i was left to start this shop with my family; my father and my brondisl" (a unisex dwarven term for marriage partner). "Well... thank you for helping me here, I am truly grateful. My name is german vermorn" germin says. "Well lad i must know why are you being attacked?" gyldin askes "well some time ago a cult i believe? Worshipping one of the dark gods began attacking my family and our property. I am on a mission to try and end these ruffians but no matter how far a travel they always find me, I will have to move again. Once again thank you for everything." germin began walking out of the store. "Wait lad!" Gyldin called out "you forgot your armour", "ah thank you dwarf" germin walked back to the bench and put his armour back in his rucksack, "hey lad? Can I join you in your quest?" the dwarf asked shyly "but why? You have a shop to run and your family, what about them?", "lad listen. I've lived my life following order and sitting inside throne rooms, halls and workshops, I've wanted to see the world my whole life. My family insists on me leaving, they can handle the shop, my dad is 10 times a better smith and my brondisl is an amazing accountant, they can run the shop without me. Please let me come with you?". "I guess I owe you that much for potentially saving my life."Germin responded "so that's a yes?" "Yes it is," the germin responded. "Oh fulgrym thank you lad. where should we meet?" the dwarf said estaictly. "Out of town down the road my cart is there, meet me there in maybe an hour's time, that should give me enough time to get enough supplies for the both of us." germin said "aye i'll meet you then are there."

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