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"HELLO?, Jeon Jungkook. You there?" Jungkook snapped out of his daze when Tae flicked his forehead.

"Oh, sorry, yeah. What were you talking about?" Jungkook asked.

 "Oh, nothing.  I finished eating, but you didn't even touched a spoon. SO, yeahhh...." Tae stated.

"I am going, okay. Eat your dinner. Goodnight. Gonna see you tomorrow in test." Tae said, before leaving the kitchen.  

"Yeah, goodnight." With that Jungkook also ate his dinner, washed the dishes and then left to sleep. {Or to study} 

Time Skip

Taehyung and Jungkook didn't got enough sleep as they were studying the whole night. And, now they just finished their test. 

"Hey, looser". Jungkook said to the one who was resting peacefully until he decided to interrupt him. 

"What the hell do you want right now?" Came a reply from the other one.

"Being rude, i see. Well, i just want to tell you that you should go and hide somewhere, because once the result announced. You'll gonna be so embarrased."  

"Well, don't be too overconfident. Coz, who knows???" Tae said, and again rested his head on desk.

Time Skip 

"So, Are you guys ready for results?" Mrs. Hong asked. "NO" class replied. Mrs.Hong just chuckled and then, start distributing the results.  

"Hwang Seojin" "SUHO" "Minji" "Haein" " Hyun woo" "Sunjae" and names went like this and now, its time for the toppers. 

"Hmm, so its time for toppers. Well, there is a surprise for u guys tho. That neither Jungkook NOR Taehyung hold 2 place this time. " The whole class went silent. Taehyung was busy chopping his nails and Jungkook was listening to the teacher. 

"BECAUSE ------"

"They both held 1st place.It's a tie.  They got same marks, i know i know it's surprising but , hehe i am happy."  This sentence froze Taehyung and Jungkook.  They just looked or more like glared at each other then just grabbed their result. 

It was lunch time, when they both were in cafeteria, glaring at each from their respective seats.  

"You want to eat him alive?" Jimin asked while sitting next to Taehyung. He was about to say something again , but again got interrupt by Jimin, " Well, i don't blame you. He is too hot. And i'll be glad to eat him out. But i am loyal to my bf." Tae sighed. 

Jimin, Park Jimin was his best friend. He was there for him at all the times except that one time. And Jimin regretted it, he regretted it all. 

Jimin needed to go to his parents at UK for a mean time, he was refusing to go but Tae insisted him as it was his parent's anniversary. But in that meantime, suddenly tae's father died. He didn't knew as he didn't contacted Tae at that time, because almost all of his relatives gathered there, it was kind of reunion. He didn't got time to call Tae or message him. 

And when he got time, he called him but Tae didn't received it, he tried for 2 days and then he called his other classmate to know what happened and when he got to knew, he came back, he regretted going to UK. He regretted not calling or asking him. He cried and apologised to Tae. After this , he never left Tae's side.

"No, wait. Actually, i think you are right. Why the hell am i even staring at him. and just to let you know i wasn't staring staring at him." Taehyung said

"okay okay." Jimin said, surrender and then left the cafeteria after he got a call from hi bf.

Taehyung laid his head on the table, and sighed but his silence got interrupted when a familiar voice called his name. He looked up to see Jungkook pulling the chair, and sat on it.

"You know, i think you were the one who told me to not to reveal our relationship here. But, you were staring that hard that it got me real hard." Jungkook said, and smiled mischievously at Tae, that it irked him so bad.

"Excuse me, i wasn't staring at you. I was just looking at you, and was seeing how ugly you are." Taehyung stated to which Jungkook fake laughed.

"HAHAHA. Enough? That was the lamest joke i have ever heard. AND ugly, that too ME? Not possible. If  you don't want to admit the reason then don't. But, atleast don't make jokes on my handsome face."  Jungkook stated, and Tae just looked at him with a 'wtf' face.

"What will you take to leave me alone?" Taehyung asked.

"Maybe, a friendship?" Jungkook asked.

____________to be continued___________

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