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"Maybe, a friendship?" Jungkook said while offering his hand.

"Well, tell me why do you want to be my friend that badly?"  Taehyung said in curiousity. He was actually curious.

"Truth?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes." Taehyung said.

"So, when i first heard that my dad is dating your mom. I was so happy, well because it was always dad and me in my family nd when your entered in our life. It bought a light in our dark world. Not like, we were on depressed mode before that but yk, there was something missing in our life which your mom fulfilled. 

At that time, i didn't knew that you aren't happy with this relationship. I thought it will be the same case for you just like me. I didn't knew that your father died during that time. So, i was just hoping to meet you soon so that i will get one more family member whom i will claim as mine." Jungkook said,  now a little awkward under Taw's gaze.

"I was hoping to get a new friend or maybe bestfriend, a partner, a soulmate, in you. But my hopes got shattered when you first saw me, and your reaction left no hopes for me. I couldn't understood why are you angry on them? They got the right to move on.  I was sad and angry at you." Jungkook said, and a lil hesitant to continue.

"Spill." Taehyung said.

"In all these years, now i am able to listen to your rantings. So, just spill all of them. All of your feelings, complaints, everything. This will help me in making my decision." Taehyung said.

Jungkook was a little bit scared. 

"Umm, that night i asked dad about your problem. So, dad told me everything about how my dad used to have a crush on her in his young age. Your dad was my dad's friend. But, they lost contact after my dad moved to America."

" They met again in some business party i guess. Yeah, so my dad told me that all of these things were too rushed for you. And this is not your fault. You were not over from your dad's death and you found about them in a wrong situation and place." Jungkook said, and glanced at Taehyung from time to time. 

"Well, when i got to know about you. I felt bad. And listen carefully, I felt BAD NOT PITY. So, i wanted to be friends with you , because i thought you also deserve happiness in your life. Real Happiness. So, i decided to be friends with you  when our parents -" Taehyung glared at him.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Agree or not, they are our parents now." Taehyung stopped him in between.

"No, they are not. I am a KIM and you all are a JEON." Taehyung said. 

"Okay okay, i decided to be friends with you when  Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon went to their honeymoon . But, you didn't cooperate. Yk , i even stalked your insta profile just to know what kind of food and environment you love. But, all went in vain. And now, when i finally have a chance to enter in your life. You think i will miss it?" Jungkook said and Tae nodded in agreement.

"So, tell me your decision. Now. " Jungkook said.

"Gimme a minute, dude. Lemme breathe." Taehyung said.

"Okay." Jungkook looked at his watch to count a minute, and Tae facepalmed.

After a minute was over, Jungkook exclaimed ," Now now tell me." 

"Sorry dude, i got classes." Taehyung said with a smirk, and then left from there.

"WTH" Jungkook said and then followed him too. 

Jungkook grabbed his hand and turned him around.

"How much time do you need to say 'yes or no'? " Jungkook asked, to which Taehyung responded.

"Well. i promise i will tell you once my class is over." Taehyung said, and released himself from the grip and ran towards his next class.

"UGHHH, Kim Taehyung." He lightly banged his head on the wall.

"Oh, wait. I share this class with him. Fuck i am late." Jungkook also ran towards the class. He entered the class before teacher.

He sat behind Tae who was sitting with Jimin. The teacher entered the class and started teaching. He heard them talking

" Bro, do you know i saw something traumatising on the way here." Jimin said.

"What happened? What did you saw? Yoongi kissing another booty?" Taehyung said with a smirk.

"Fuck you, bitch. My babe is loyal. But yk, i was passing by the classroom 3-2 , when i heard something." Jimin said. And the last sentence caught Taehyung's attention and Jungkook's attention too.

"This is interesting." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded even though he know the pair is not known to his presence.

"It was moans. I heard Mr. Jung and Miss. Lily making out on one of the benches. When i saw that, I literally ran towards the class."  Jimin completed and Tae and Jungkook let out a gasp.

This time, Jimin and Taehyung turned towards Jungkook was shocked himself.

He motioned to close his mouth. "Don't worry. I will not tell this to anyone. I swear."

"HMM, beauty with brain, huh. Good Good" Jimin said and Taehyung nudged him to shut up.

"So, that's why he was late, huh?" Taehyung said.

 "Hmm" Jimin hummed.

" So, that's not a mosquito bite on his neck. Poor him. Atleast, he should have covered it. Jungkook said, and Taehyung and Jimin looked at Mr. Jung. ANd Jungkook was right, indeed.

"What's the serious discussion you are guys are discussing over there? Huh? Care to explain?" Mr. Jung asked.

"Oh, trust me you will not love to hear it." Taehyung muttered under his breath, but Jungkook and Jimin heard it and laughed lightly.

"Last warning. Focus on the class or be ready to get detention." Mr. Jung said and the trio apologised.

The period went like this.

Now, the students were going outside. Taehyung was preparing his bag too. Jimin went to restroom.

"Now, the class is over too. Tell me your answer, right now. If you still postponed it, i will take it as a no" Jungkook said.

"No need to postpone it, i am telling you now." Taehyung said.

"Hmm, i am all ears." Jungkook said.

"SO, my answer is " Taehyung said then stopped in between

"Is?" Jungkook motioned him to complete it.


____________to be continued_______________

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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