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ALEX SHOVED THE LAST of her stuff into her bag, zipping the suitcase shut. She sighed; she was still dreading going home. She didn't know what Lucius would think about her being a Hufflepuff, no she knew exactly what he would think. He would not be happy. She could feel Tianna's eyes on her.

"What's on your mind, Allie? Aren't you excited to go home?" She asked.

She shrugged, she wasn't, but she couldn't outright say that. "I like it here, I'll just miss it."

She nodded "Makes sense, but at least you'll get to see your family." She forced a smile on her face and nodded. Tianna then reached under her bed and pulled out a wrapped gift. Alex had almost forgotten they had each other gifts.

"Oh wait one second," Alex said as she opened a small drawer by her bed. "I didn't wrap yours, I hope you don't mind." She held the gift behind her back with a small smile on her face.

"It's okay." She said as she handed her the wrapped gift and she took it. Alex revealed the book behind her back. Hogwarts: A History.

"I remember Hermione talking about it and you saying you want it so," she said quietly. She had asked Cedric to buy it in Hogsmeade and she reimbursed him.

"Thank you, Allie. I love it." She said as she sat down on her bed, signaling for her to open her gift. Alex did that, she began to open her gift. It was a Hufflepuff Quidditch shirt.

"Where did you get this?" Alex asked, holding the shirt up.

She smiled "I asked Gabriel for help since he played. After a bit of convincing he agreed to get ahold of one for you." She explained. "I thought you could wear it to games to you know... support the team."

Another smile formed on the redhead's face. "Thank you so much." She said, folding the shirt and placing it on her bed.

She nodded. "Of course." She said, as she opened the book and began to read.

Alex kept her eyes on her for a few seconds, before glancing back at her suitcase and moving it to the ground in front of her bed.


Alex walked into the Great Hall, her suitcase in hand and she spotted Ron and Harry playing chest at the Gryffindor table. The hall was decorated with Christmas decorations, but other than a few students, was mostly empty. She approached the two boys, watching the game for a few seconds before glancing at Ron.

"I thought you were going home?" She asked, realizing he didn't have a suitcase with him.

"My parents are going to see my brother, Charlie." He explained, glancing down at the chess board as he made another move. She never understood wizard's chess, Draco beat her nearly every time. "He lives in Romania so Fred, George, Percy, and I are just staying here."

She nodded slowly as she sat down beside him to watch the game. "Who's winning?" She asked.

"Ron," Harry mumbled, his arms crossed as he stared at the board.

"Nobody is 'winning' until the king is dead." He pointed out but Harry just shook his head in defeat.

She watched the game for a few more moments before glancing up at Ron. "Think you could teach me to play?" She asked.

FAMILY LINE   ,   ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now