Chapter 1

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'O, King of Heaven! Why hast thou forsaken me?'

Sunlight drifted through the silent man's watercolor wings, onto the grass and flowers of the magnificent garden around him.

"I didn't..." his wings drooped to the wet grass below and he stared down into his reflection in the dreamy pool in front of him. "I never meant..."

'Thou art no king. Thou are a devil, whom pours salt into the sea!'


The creaking door awoke him from his hallucinations. Glancing slightly to the noise, he saw his advisor walk up to him, cross.

Celeste was her name. A Heaven-Born, she helped him with his kingly duties in the expansive Heavens.

"William!" She cried. "You've been missing for the past four weeks. You must leave this garden at once!"

"It couldn't be that long..." William stroked his whiskers, "...what difference does it make?"

"Ahem!" Celeste urged William up, becoming increasingly more agitated. "There is no point in staying in here alone when you could be helping me with all YOUR duties as the King of Heaven! Now check on YOUR citizens!"

William reluctantly closed his eyes and focused on every angel. As the ruler over Heaven, he was granted the knowledge of everything, not to be confused with being all-knowing. He was supposed to use this power to help keep Heaven in peace and comfort, but he had to admit, he was beginning to become sluggish at that particular duty.

He felt his soul becoming larger, expanding throughout the cosmos and stars, touching every angel he could find. He felt himself calming down, feeling the small bits of sadness, anger, and grief, dwindle away from himself into his eyes to see everything.

"...everyone is in no position to fall." He concluded.

"Perfect," Celeste said, "now leave this garden!"

"Oh, no thank you..."


William dropped back down to the ground of his garden and hummed a soft but sad song.

"You can't stay in here forever," Celeste groaned, pulling at William's collar, "Star and Zachary and even I'm starting to miss you!"


"Please?" Celeste's pointed ears dropped down and her eyes grew sad.

William had a soft spot for 'please.' He hated to admit it, even with his attempts to stay put, but he was a massive pushover. With the right words and facial expressions, he would cave and do whatever.

"Alright," he sighed, gently patting her head, "stop using those puppy dog eyes on me, though..."

Celeste smiled and took William's hand.

"Let me help you up, your majesty."

"Thank you."

William's large cape fluttered behind him as the two left. The large door shut with a soft tap, leaving the garden quiet and alone.

A withered flower twitched from behind the many more beautiful flowers. A gift from one brother to the other, a sign of brotherly love.

"I'm back..." a voice hissed from above the flower. A foot stomped on the flower.

What a poor thing.


It had been how long? William didn't know, but he could finally return to his garden and stare into nothing as sweet flowers shaded him from everything else.

He returned to the spot his legs had indented, for it was the spot where he could see everything—the pond, the flowers, the trees, all everything else—and settled his legs down into the soft ground.

He heard grass crunching not far away.

'Is it Celeste once again?' He wondered. 'What did we forget?'

He turned his head to the noise, only to be met with nothing.

"Celeste?" He called, tilting his head. "What is it, my friend?"

No sound creased the silent garden. It was odd, William thought, because he was sure he heard someone walking.

"Hello?" This time, he stood up. He didn't like when people tried to trick him, especially in his garden.

He ventured around his garden, until he made it to a thick wall of vines to look at large claw marks in said vines.

'Who could have done this!' He was in dismay, searching his brain in all of Heaven for an angel with talons or claws big enough to create such destruction.

In his dismay, he didn't notice the soft crunching of grass behind him, nor the shadow that enveloped the world around him.

He did notice how something tapped his back, and how his world turned dark in an instant.


"Citizens of Heaven!" A booming voice echoed in the still Heaven. Angels paused their duties to look around.

The king of Hell himself stood tall and menacingly above the rest. He held up a black orb, shiny and terrifying.

"I've won!" And with that, he extended his demonic wings out and flew away.

"No!" Celeste ran, only to watch in dismay as the king of Hell left Heaven with William trapped in his grasp.

"What happened?!" Star, an angel knight, flew up to Celeste and held her arm.

"William, he got taken by the King of Hell!"

"King of Hell?! But-why?!"

"I don't know!" Celeste melted down, tears dotting her eyes.

"W-what can I do?" Star sat down beside Celeste, holding the shaking angel in her strong arms.

"I don't know...I just know know!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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