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(Above: Rocco)

After Rocco had taken her for himself, he kissed Elena on the forehead and left, with no word when he'd be back – if at all. She hated it, hated that he just comes in and fucks her at his leisure and leaves, sometimes for days. It wasn't always like this, he used to treat her like a human being, not a thing he can use when he needed release. Elena couldn't remember when it went sour, but it had been far too long since it had, and she was more then ready to get out of this mess.

She also knew she wasn't the only woman he was with. He denied it, tried to gaslight her about it, go on how she was his only...but it was all bullshit. She could smell other women on him, their own scents, their skin on his. She had only put up with it out of fear; fear that if she left him, he would kill her. Rocco wasn't feared because he was fair, or kind. He was feared because he was one of the biggest drug lords out of the south. People that slighted him, if only accidently, disappeared - permanently. Elena found out too late how many psychopathic tendencies he was so skilled at hiding.

Elena wanted out desperately, but every plan she thought of came up short. She prayed he would lose interest in her in favor of whoever else he was bedding now. 'They can have him' Elena thought looking up at the ceiling, his seed still running down her thighs. She hadn't felt the slightest bit of pleasure from him in months. He just takes it for himself and leaves – no concern for her. And it was beginning to hurt. With no arousal, he just pushed himself in and her body rejected the invasion. Sometimes after he finished, she would find blood on the sheets between her legs. Elena would hurt for days after – and it was on those occasions that she was relieved when he didn't return.

If only earlier was not a felt so good. It was so real, Elena would have sworn there was someone in her bed...someone who made her feel such pleasure, but at the same time, so safe...She felt her middle begin to swell and she had to fight the urge to touch herself. Although she loved how her body felt, she reluctantly rolled out of bed and made her way to the shower.

Elena was late to work at the lounge last night and she promised her boss to come in early to make up for it. Stepping into the shower, she remembered the handsome stranger she passed on her way to the ladies' room. She had never seen him before, but there was something familiar about him. The way he looked at her from underneath his longish brown hair was...captivating.

Elena tisked at the time "Come on girl, move or you'll be late again."


"So, you have found her" Dracula finished feeding and dropped the body on the floor. Dabbing the corners of his mouth with his handkerchief he continued "After centuries of hoping and longing, it has finally come to pass. You have found the one who will complete you – or so the gypsy's said" He let out a snicker and Hugh cringed at the sound "Tell me Hugh, what will Sasha think of all this? She is your wife after all..." Hugh pivoted around in the chair and stared at the dead lord in front of him before speaking.

"She will think it is fine. I know this as she herself has been looking for her one longer than I have – well before we married. Our love is a true love, it is not, however, the love of a mated partnership. We are compatible by all accounts, we comfort each other, but we have always known we were not the others true one. This is why we often live apart for decades at a time – our search for our true one beckons us, as you know. I tell you this not because I feel it to be any of your business, but because I think you forget how terrible it can be at times, as you have had Mina for centuries already. I would also like to add that I find your prying to be very irritating." Hugh stood and walked over to get himself a drink. He relished in the feeling of the warm blood hitting the back of his throat and he closed his eyes for just a moment, thinking of her, and a smile spread across his lips.

After centuries of looking and failing, anguish and hopelessness, he finally found her – quite by accident. She was fingering through some old vinyl at the vintage record shop in Biloxi one night when he walked in. He wasn't even supposed to be there at that time; and had his new assistant not made the mistake of setting up the meeting with the realtor a week early, he never would have found her. He would have still been in New York.

The sensation of seeing her hit him like a million fingers running wild up his spine, and he almost lost his footing when his knees threatened to give out. Hugh stood in the doorway, staring at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his long life. His breathing was slow and deep and he held on to the door frame for support. His senses tingled and a feeling of complete awe came over him. His entire body relaxed as he felt her aura wrap around his. Her being sensed his and with a rush and covered him completely.

 He felt incredible. Light and free of the sorrow that had plagued him for so long. When she turned in his direction, he saw her eyes knew him, even if her mind did not. She stared at him with a surprised expression on her face but didn't move. They stood staring at each other for what felt like an eternity, entranced with one another, feeling things that had no words to describe them...

"So then" Dracula began, breaking Hugh out of his delightful memory "When will you claim her?"

Hugh sneered in his direction before opening the door "That is something that does not concern you in the least."

Dracula ran his long nails against his mouth and smiled "We will see about that" he grinned.

"We will just see."

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