|The message on the wall| •Year 2•

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3rd Person POV

The next day, Harry had talked to nearly Headless nick and he had invited the four of them to his Ghost death day. Hermione was excited to experience a death day celebration, Ron was confused why someone would want to celebrate the day he dies and Harry just wanted to be there to support his friend ghost. Meanwhile, Y/n was angry, the party aligned with her detention with Snape, so she wouldn't had been able to join

So while her friends were enjoying a party, Y/n was finishing the last few bookshelves in Snapes office

She didn't look at the books or try to find the animagus book from yesterday, she only wanted to get away as soon as possible so that she could maybe even meet her friends at the party

After quite some time, Y/n had finished everything. With a face of spite, Snape let her go and went to the dinner feast himself. But Y/n was not planning on joining dinner, she wanted to experience a death day celebration at least once in her life

But as she walked through the corridors, she suddenly heard a disturbing sound


It was the same voice, the same cold, murderous voice she had heard in Snapes office yesterday

Y/n stumbled to a halt, clutching at the stone wall, listening with all her might, looking around, squinting up and down the dimly lit passageway

"...kill...time to kill..."

The voice was growing fainter. Y/n didn't really know where the voice was coming from, but it was surely moving away - moving upward. A mixture of fear and excitement gripped her as she stared
at the dark ceiling: How could it be moving upward? Was it a phantom, to whom stone ceilings didn't matter?

She began moving, running as she followed the voice into the entrance hall. It was no good hoping to hear anything here, the babble of talk from the Halloween feast was echoing out of the Great Hall

"Y/n!", she heard Harry's voice, "you heard it, did you?"

"Yes, I'm trying to track it", she said

"What are you two talking abo-" Hermione was quickly interrupted

"No time to explain, the voice is fading!", Y/n said

Her and Harry both sprinted up the marble staircase to the first floor, Ron and Hermione clattering behind them

"Guys what're we-"


Harry and Y/n strained their ears. Distantly, from the floor above, and growing fainter
still, they heard the voice: "...I smell blood... I SMELL BLOOD!"

Y/n stopped, her stomach lurched

"It's going to kill someone!" Harry shouted, and ignoring Ron's and Hermione's bewildered faces, he ran up the next flight of steps three at a time, trying to
listen over his own pounding footsteps

Y/n followed him as they hurtled around the whole of the second floor, Ron and Hermione panting behind the two, not stopping until they turned a corner into the last, deserted passage

"Harry, Y/n, what was that all about?" said Ron, wiping sweat off his face. "I couldn't hear anything..."

But Hermione gave a sudden gasp, pointing down the corridor


Something was shining on the wall ahead. They approached slowly, squinting through the darkness. Foot-high words had been daubed on the wall between two windows, shimmering in the light cast by the flaming

Shooting Star (Harry Potter x reader) [Years 1-4]Where stories live. Discover now