|Hogwarts Express| •Year 1•

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The last month in the orphanage was really boring. I transformed into an Animagus almost every day in order to amuse myself

When the day finally came, I packed all my stuff and went to the train station. I really hoped to find Harry soon, sice he's the only person I know.

I looked at my ticket one last time, but I still didn't understand where the platform was. I wonder if Harry knows how to get to Platform 9 3/4

Harry POV

"Well, there you are, boy. Platform nine - platform ten. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but they don't seem to have built it yet, do they?", said Uncle Vernon when we got to King's Cross. "Have a good term"

The Dursleys left without saying another word, but I could hear how they laughed when they drove away

What on earth should I do now? I'll have to ask someone, but who? If I tell a passing guard, they will think that I'm mad or something

Just when I was about to go back to the Dursleys, someone touched my back

"Hi there", it was Y/n

"Y/n, thank god", I said. "You know how to get to Platform 9 3/4, right?"

"Well...no", she said a bit ashamed. "But you just have to search for a wizards family"

We heard someone say: "-packed with Muggles, of course-"

"There it is, come on Harry. We'll ask them", said Y/n

We followed the family until they stopped

"Now, what's the platform mom?",asked one of them

"9 3/4, come on", told the woman. "Percy, you go first"

What looked like the oldest boy marched toward platforms nine and ten. I tried to see what he was doing, but just as the boy reached the divide between the two platforms, a large crown of tourists came swarming in front of him. And by the time the last rucksack had cleared away, the boy had vanished

"Fred, you're next", the woman said

"I'm not Fred, I'm George", said the boy. "Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother?"

"Sorry George, dear"

"Only joking, I'm Fred", said the boy and off he went

I didn't understand how both twins just vanished. Y/n seemed to wonder too, because she went to the rest of that family and asked them

"Excuse me"

"Hello dearie, first time at Hogwarts? Ron's new too"

She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons

"Yeah, we don't really know how to-"

"How to get on the platform? Not to worry", she said. "All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between the two platforms nine and ten. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous"

"Thanks", said Y/n

"Er- thanks", I said

Y/n pushed her trolley and ran to the barrier until she disappeared. I closed my eyes and followed her. When I opened my eyes, I saw a big, black train with the name Hogwarts Express

"Woah", said Y/n, "Come, Harry, let's try to find an empty compartment"

A few minutes later, we found an empty place. Y/n let out a sight and sat down

Shooting Star (Harry Potter x reader) [Years 1-4]Where stories live. Discover now