im kesha!!!

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p.o.v. kesha

I'm Kesha I'm 17 I have a boy friend back in detroit. His name is deshaun. we face time a lot . I visit him in the summer. so I was at home getting ready for school the next day and I NEEDED SOMETHING CUTE TO WERE TOMMOROW it was only 5 so I decided to go to the mall I grabed my car keys and got into my Bentley . my dad gave it to me before he passed away. when I pulled up to the mall. I went to rue 21 and bought $280 worth or stuff.Then I went to Sally's bought more earrings belly piercings and nose ring I also got blue colored contacts. they were blue leapord. then i went to the food court to get some food and sat down when I looked over and saw some girl arguing with her boyfriend but then he raised his fist and I jumped in front of her and grabbed his fists and twisted it I grabbed her and got my bags then we both ran to my car because he was chasing us . I got it and stepped on the pedal. we were on the road and I pulled over " were do you live" I said "on garden street" she replied I headed there it was silent all the way there and when she got out she said " thank u for sticking up for me ,your really nice here's my number she handed me a card with her house phone and cell number . " no problem " I replied. when I got home I skipped dinner took a shower and went to bed.

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