chapter 7

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Mrs lewton brought Cecily home with her she didn't think it was safe for the young girl to be with her brother she helps the shaking girl into her home"alright why don't you go change and wash up while I find you some clothes"Mrs lewton says gently as Cecily slowly nods her head before she was shown entering the guest bathroom.

The water heard as steam comes from the shower as Cecily scrubs Terry's blood off as she then was shown standing in front of the mirror as she had a towel wrapped around her as her wet hair layed in ringlets.

Tears run down her face as one thought keeps running through her head what the hell was going on as she silently cry's to her self  first the plane, then Todd and now Terry.

She was then shown wearing a black tank top with some jeans as she walks into the living room sniffleing Mrs lewton smiles gently at her"hey honey make your self at home I'm just packing some of my things"she says as she sits a record on a record player as music plays while Cecily sat in a chair running a stressed hand through her hair.

Mrs lewton was making tea as the tea kettle whistle as she purs it into a cup but she gets spooked at what's in it as she yelps throwing the tea out making Cecily look up worried "Mrs lewton are you okay"she asked.

"Um yes sweetie nothing to worry about"she says sitting her school mug dog before "you've got to stop this it's a stupid mug your out of here pretty soon you'll be gone you'll be gone"she whispered to her self before she was shown putting ice in the mug and purs some alcohol not seeing a crack appearing on the mug as some alcohol leaks out before she picks it up as she walks over to her computer making a trail.

She leans over the computer as some of the drink leaks through the top of the computer from the cup as she then sits it down as she starts wrapping up stuff with bubble rap.

Cecily was in her own thoughts as she thinks about the events that have happened she was scared out of her mind.

The inside of the computer was shown as the alcohol hits the circuit board as a spark happened creating smoke Cecily noticed smoke coming out the com"uh Ms. Lewton"she says as Ms lewton looks up seeing smoke come from her computer as she gets up leaning towards the computer before all of sudden it exploded making the girls scream before a large piece of glass flys into Mrs lewton neck as she falls back into the door before yanking it out as blood flows out heavily.

"Ms lewton!!"Cecily cry's as she runs over as she helps her teacher away from the burning computer as the record player plays a song that makes chills run down her back thats the song that played the night everything happened "come on"she says helping her teacher through the house as blood spills to the floor.

Alex was shown walking down the straight as a man was burning a pile of leaves before an unsettling feeling swells with in him like the others before burning leaves fly around him as he rushed off to Ms lewtons house.

Cecily continues to help Ms lewton as they head into the kitchen before the computer sparks again as the trail of alcohol and blood catch fire as it followed them into the kitchen as Cecily helps Ms. Lewton to the counter her neck and shirt covered in blood before screaming when with the stove caught on fire as they both screamed when an explosion followed.

Cecily was blown back by the blast hitting her head on the ground knocking her out as Ms. Lewton falls to the ground on her back gasping.

Alex was shown running through the yard as he stops breathing heavily as he looks at the house. Lewton was shown lifting up her arm grabbing the edge of a rag before trying to pull it down before ends up pulling the kitchen knifes with it as one falls stabbing her in the chest as she gasp as fire was burning her and there.

Alex quickly runs to the door as he opens it running in before seeing a trail of blood as he slowly followed it to the kitchen as Cecily was knocked out with with blood on the side of her forehead as Ms lewton was beside her with a knife in her chest as he rushed over kneeling down "all right just stay still okay?"he says before a shelf falls by the stove with a crash before the stove explodes making Alex fall back as the force of the explosion caused a chair to fall onto the knife pushing it deeper as it kills Ms. Lewton as the life leaves from her eyes.

Alex quickly pushed the chair off as Ms lewton stares blankly at the ceiling dead"of God Ms. Lewton"he says before pulling the knife out but realized she was already dead before dropping the knife before rushing to his sister as he picks her up into his arms they needed to get out of her know before he runs out the house.

Alex runs out the house with Cecily in his arms as Billy was riding his bike when all of sudden the house exploded as glass windows shatter as fire burst out different parts of the house Alex falls to the ground covering Cecily before looking up at the burning house.

Cecily groans making him look down"Cecily hey come on "he says worried as he trys to wake up ad her eyes slowly open as she looks around confused "what what's going on"she says before turning to the burning house as everything comes back"no!"she cry's as Alex holds his sister as she cry's staring at the burning house.

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