Chapter 6

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Cecily and Alex run down a sidewalk of a street to tods house as police and medics were everywhere with flashing lights. Cecily looks around with wide eyes as dread starts to settle in her gut before she sees a body bag being wheeled out tye house as she shakes her head slowly as tears built up in her eyes.

"No"she whispered before she and her brother Alex run towards tods father and mother as they cry for there son.

Cecily looks all around as she was breathing heavily this couldn't be happening as tears flow down her face as her honoray brother was wheeled into a coroners van.

"What happened"Alex asked with tears as tods father glares at the boy"didn't you see it you caused tod so much guilt over George staying on the plane....he took his own life"he says with a tearful glare.

Alex then frowns confused shaking his head"no  he wouldn't do that he said we'd be friends again after you got better. Why would he make plans if he was going to kill him self Mr Wagner "Alex says as tods father glares at him one last time before leaving witu his crying wife.

"Alex what's going on"Cecily says with tears looking at her brother as he hugs her to his chest as he holds her as they cry for rod.

The next morning Cecily was shown in a chair in her room as she types on the computer she wore a white tank top with shorts as her hair was in curls. She was researching about paranormal things cause what happened with in the last two days was no coincidence.

There was a knock on her door as she looks up seeing Alex with a white shirt with two of one brown and one green of his jacket and pants with tennis shoes"hey I'm going for a walk I'll be right back"he says leaning against the door.

"Be careful "she says with a soft smile that he returns before walking away as she goes back to researching before soon it gets dark she stays up waiting for her brother before she ends up falling asleep.

She was then shown being shook awake by her brother "Cecily get up it's important"he says dressed wearing a black jacket with jeans and tennis shoes.

Cecily now wearing black jean shorts with a blue tank top with a flannel tied around her waist wereing teenis shoes as she walks with her brother as they were meeting Claire "so yesterday when you went on a walk you found Claire then snook into a funeral home meeting a strange man who talked and knew alote about the devil as he was preparing tod for the funeral"Cecily sums up as they walk.

"Yep pretty much "Alex says as they walk into town. Soon they were shown with Claire who wore a white jacket with a black top and skirt as they set down at a table with coffee"the mortician said that death has a design okay I'm talking about omens"Alex says to them.

"You mean like signs before death"Cecily says taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yes thank you sis and How do you know that by the three of us sitting sipping this coffee or breathing air...or even crossing the intersection...that we haven't started in motion the events that will some day lead to our death.... Fourty years from now ,ten years, tomorrow?we don't unless we open ourselves the signs it's willing to show us"he says to the two girls as he pulls out a a small piece a paper saying tod as Cecily has a flash back from work were the calk board of the specials as it said tod for a moment do to the flickering lights before the flash back ends.

Clair folds her hands together as she leans forward as she picks up the paper "I don't understand.did you see tod die did it happen again like on the plane"Claire asked.

Alex shakes his head"no it didn't but might as well have this is a message from something,Clair. Cecily....or someone hinting at a design "he says as he and Clair get into it as Cecily was lost in her thoughts.

She was brought out hereing the sound of tires halt as she turns seeing Carter and Terri as she groans "oh you have got to be kidding me"she says as Alex quickly hides the paper with tods name as the three stand up as Billy gets off the road with a bag as he picks up his bike.

Carter gets out of his car as Terri gets out standing by the door "baby come on not now"she begs her boyfriend as shown wore a grey loose jacket with a grey tank top with white knee length jeans and tennis shoes as Carter wore a Jacket with pants and tennis shoes walking over to the three as mrs lewton walks out the cafe wearing a grey t shirt with a jacket and flowar skirt with heels as Alex turns seeing her.

Carter fake smiles "looks like we have a reunion here"he says as Terri huffs closing the car door walking over "let it go"she tells her boyfriend.

Carter then turns to Ms lewton "when are you moving"he asked her.

"Couple weeks"Ms lewton says.

"That's too bad losing our favorite teacher"Carter says as Billy rides up with his bike "Carter you dick!"he says before getting off his bike as Alex gets up"guys there's something I need to tell you "he says.

Carter turns to him with a glare"lived here her whole life,and now she's gotta move...all because of you!"he yells as Cecily had enough shoving Carter away from her brother"that's enough Carter back the fuck up now!"she yells as Carter stumbled back with a glare.

She wasn't the only one Terri had enough to "enough! Both of you! They died, and we lived. Get over it I will not let this plane the most important thing in my life!"she says hitting Carter in the chest as she walks away "God I'm moving on Carter...and if you want to waste your life... beating the shit out of Alex every time you see him then you can just drop fucking dead!" She yells backing up into the street as she turns back around before being hit by a bus as blood splatters over everyone.

Cecily stands they in shock as blood splatter on to her face as she stares at Terri's twisted body as she stands there shaking.

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