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Tears hitting the sand, a knife between his legs, a man with a metal hand crouched in front of him. The young boy wasn't sure what to do in this situation. He looked at the man in fear while the man looked at him with sincerity.

"It's simple pet," said the man his robotic hand caressing the boy's cheek ",you either pick up that knife and kill me, return back with me understanding your existence, or you take that knife and you run for survival. I'll even give you a head start."

The boy looked at the blade the sun shining off of it into the boys eyes. He stood up from the ground tears still running down his face. He picked it up out of the sand and looked at his assailant.

"That's right boy," said the man holding his arms out ready to be attacked ", do it strike me down and become something greater."

The boy held the blade up pointing it at the chest of the man. He pondered on if he should truly do this his hands shaking in fear. Before he knew it he was charging at the man screaming at him as he proceeded to attack.

The sound of an alarm echoing off the tent the young boy was in. It had been days since he ran away from the man. He checked around outside noticing that the area was clear from any troublesome people, but all he saw was the final steps he needed to take to enter the city of dreams. Night City the city in which anyone can be anything.

The boy dropped the blade he needed for survival and made his way towards the city running with hope of a better life. The buildings grew larger with every step he took. The sounds of the city getting louder. The lights of getting brighter until he finally made it. Night City.

The boy stared and walked around the city seeing all of its patrons walking the sidewalks or driving on the roads. He was amazed by the beauty of the city so much so the boy smiled, something he hadn't done in a long time. Some of the people took notice of the boy many of them staring in concern or disgust. They had never seen a child so robotic and confused. Some tried to stop and help only to back away upon closer inspection.

The boy continued to walk until he reached the part known as Wattson. Many of the patrons here completely ignored the boy until a group of cyber infused gangsters surrounded the boy. The boy knew who these people were: Maelstrom. A bunch of cyborgs notorious for doing to innocents what happened to them. The boy tried to get away only for the cyborgs to surround him laughing at his terrible implants.

"What do we have here?" Asked one of the cyborgs his many robotic eyes looking at the boy ", looks like we got one of those joytoys some of Handers's boys make."

"Awww he looks lost," laughed a more feminine cyborg ", come here little pet mama will take care of you."

The boy was too scared to move, too scared to scream. Suddenly a truck drives up and a man holding a shotgun approaches the group firing into the air.

"You borged up gonks get away from the kid unless you all want to see what's between those skulls with lead," said the man ready to kill the group.

The boy looked at the man, his black trench coat flowing in the air. He was amazed anyone came to save him. The group of cyborgs backed away slowly not wanting to die that day.

The man held out his hand taking the boys and returning back to his truck. He sat the boy next to a little girl who stared at the boy in concern.

"Leah, keep him calm we're heading back to the office tonight," said the man putting his shotgun in the back seat.

"Yes daddy," said Leah holding on to the boy's hand ", What's your name?"

"A..Anthony," stammered the boy scared out of his mind.

"Don't worry Anthony were gonna help you," said the girl smiling at the cybernetic boy.

The truck drove off leaving the cyborgs without a new play thing. The man stared back at the boy eyeing all of the cybernetic parts no child should have installed. He then looked back at the road making sure to not distract himself from getting these kids to a safe place.

"Who are you?" Asked the boy still quiet from the shock.

"My name is Frank Weathers and she is my daughter Leah, I'm a ripper doc kid I specialize in cybernetics for people. I'm also a part time mercenary who gets paid to do jobs and thankfully for you someone who paid me saw you today on the street. My employer wants me to fix you up get you back to less of a...cyborg state,"said the man.

The boy looked out his window watching the buildings pass by then he looked at his body seeing all of the cybernetic parts that were mixed with his flesh. He smiled tears running down his cheeks again.

The truck stopped in front of a small house. The group left the vehicle and entered the home. The father took off his coat while his daughter prepared a small table for examination.

"Anthony I'm going to need you to remove your clothes and get on the table," said Frank putting on an apron and rubber gloves ", I'm going to at least remove the more dangerous cybernetics you have."

The boy did as he was asked removing his torn clothes and laying down on the table feeling the hardness from its surface. Leah looked away embarrassed and brought her father his surgery tools. The boy stared at the ceiling not sure how to feel.

"Don't worry kid I'm going to save you no matter how long it takes," said frank who put some anesthesia into the boy ", Oh and welcome to Night City."

The boy slept peacefully for once in his life...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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