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Izuku Midoriya.
That was not the name of a knight, a witch or warrior. It wasn't the name of a good man who saved many and gave everything to the people.

No it was the name of a poor peasant child from the northern kingdom of Creati.

Izuku though poor obviously sacrificed everything for others and always tried hardest to insure others were better off than him. Because where he lived was a poor land, so what the capital was rich and well known for its natural resources, beauty and other qualities.

If you rode for barely a mile in any direction you could find orphaned children, famished and disease ridden villagers. That's because nearly all the people were taxed out of their minds and had nothing else to give.

This lead to an obvious decline in population the people being to poor to afford food for themselves much less an extra mouth. And any one who had a child would probably be forced to give them up in the end and send the to the many orphanages.

Izuku Midoriya had been one of these children sent at a young age after his parents found he was as good as useless. Izuku couldn't live with others experiencing his pain so he opened an orphanage with his savings.

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