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"Welcome Mr. Styles. Your guide should be up here in just a moment if you're willing to wait for them?" The front desk tells Harry and he nodded his head and sat in one of the chairs that they had in the little office. He looked around and was unamused with the pictures and awards that were hanging on the wall. At least he was showing that on the outside. However, on the inside, he was impressed with the accomplishments that this school had.

Soon the door opened and a boy walked in. He had bleached blonde hair and he was really energetic, Harry can already tell that he's a talker more than anything. "Hello Mrs. Whitney, I'm here to give someone a tour?" He wondered and Harry just looked at the boy blankly. The boy turned to look and he saw Harry.

"Is this him? Hi! My name is Niall Horan!" "This young man just came in, so you didn't keep him long. You are free to show him as much as you please, but afterwards can you show him to his first class? You two have it together I'm sure," the clerk said and Niall nodded his head. "Of course. What is your name mate?" Harry stared at Niall for a good minute before he actually gave the Irish boy an answer. "My name is Harry." "It's a pleasure to meet you Harry! Welcome to Pixburry High! Let's get started, yeah?" He asked and Harry got up from the seat.

He walked out and Niall began asking the boy a few questions. "So Harry! What school were you going to before this one?" "Wilburns High..." Harry answered, really not wanting to talk to this boy. "Oh! Our rivals... Hahaha, just kidding! I don't really do sports that much. I just watch and enjoy it, you know. I'm just not that competitive." "Mhmm," Harry responds, not really sounding interesting into the conversation.

"Alright! Well, this is the cafeteria. We serve the best food. I can promise you that! Wednesdays are the best days to grab yourself some lunch," he chirps, but all that Harry did was nod his head and look around the area.

"You know who you reming me of?" Niall asked and that did grab the boy's full attention. He turned and looked at Niall with a raised eyebrow. "One of my best friends. His name is Louis and he is just as closed out as you. He used to be very open and welcoming, and I'm only guessing that you were that way before. You two should meet! He still hangs out with us at lunch, and you should tag along. From what I can see, we have the same lunch, so this is perfect!" He exclaimed and Harry sighed.

This will be a long day....


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Fixing Each Other (Book 1) (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now