Home Now - Emma Myers

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Emma came home after a long day on set, she was exhausted, and her back ached. The only thing she wish to do when getting home, was to cuddle in bed with you, you wanted to lay on your chest, and pass out the minute you ran your hand through her hair.

She slowly treaded upstairs, her eyes beginning to drop as she was getting sleepier by the minute. Emma slowly pushed your shared bedroom door open, the first thing her eyes settled on, was you sitting up in bed, wearing your pajamas as you read a book, peacefully.

She dropped her jacket on the ground, catching your attention. You closed your book, setting it down in concern as you noticed how quiet your girlfriend was. "Hey, baby, how was work?"

"Exhausting." She murmured, not letting you say another word as she crashed on top of you, taking her shirt off and tossing it aside, she threw the blankets over the both of you. Emma buried her face in your chest, your hands rubbed the bare skin of her back. Kissing her forehead, you whispered in her ear.

"Tired, love?" You cooed in a gentle tone that only soothed Emma more, making her want to fall asleep faster.

She slowly nodded, letting out a long yawn. "Yeah..."

You hummed in response, running your fingers through her short hair, your other hand traced comforting shapes on the small of her back. You paused for a moment, reaching over to switch the light off as you got comfortable yourself.

"Just rest, babe. You're home, now." You kissed her forehead again, and then both of her cheeks, lightly scratching the back of Emma's neck, causing her to purr as she quickly melted into your arms. And just like that, she was asleep.

You admired her, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Cutie."

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