Chapter 1

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This food was lovingly cooked by your mother, Juniper Arc, and contains a range of vitamins and nutrients integral to your development. The toast is slightly charred and the butter used on it is one day past its sell-by-date. There are tens of thousands of microbes living within it.

Some of them are good for you.


Jaune scowled and picked at what would have normally been a rather nice breakfast if not for the rather obnoxious text scrolling across his vision. He waved a hand in front of his face as if to swat a fly away, but his hand simply went through it.

"Is something wrong, sweetie?" asked his mother.


Juniper Arc:

Lvl. 18

Mother to eight children and loving wife of Nicholas Arc, this is your mother, and she has raised you since you were a baby. Though not initially happy to be a mother, or to have Nicholas Arc's interests, she has come to love both. Is currently in a good mood because of the copious amounts of sex she and your father had last night.


"I'm not hungry," said Jaune, pushing the plate away. He hadn't been before, but he certainly wasn't now. There were some things a son didn't want to know. "I think I'm going to spend today outside, mom. Get some fresh air."

"Really? And you don't think you should be doing that on a full stomach?"

"I'll eat out if my appetite returns."

Juniper frowned and came around to place her hand against his forehead. He didn't feel sick, and he had a suspicion he knew what the blue boxes were anyway. A teenager who spent most of his time playing videogames wasn't going to mistake them. "You don't feel like you have a fever."

"It's probably just an upset stomach. I'll be fine."

"Maybe so. Here." She reached into a drawer and came out with some money that she handed to him. "Here's a hundred lien."



The currency of Vale, which has been used for the last 246 years. Lien is named after an ancient term '"lien" which means assets used as collateral for a debt that have been seized. It later became a term for currency because you could pay assets "in lien" for goods.


The history lesson was neither needed nor appreciated, but it was also something he hadn't known so unless he was making this up, then he was being given information he couldn't otherwise know. That was the same for what his mom and dad had gotten up to. Jaune took the money with muttered thanks and excused himself before his sisters woke up.

It was early outside, and misty, with the sun not yet having broken through the clouds and the grass still wet with dew. Ansel was quiet at those times, with only the earliest risers up and about as everyone else woke up and ate their first meal of the day. Typically, he'd have still been in bed, but it was hard to sleep in ever since this became a thing. His body had this strange obsession with only ever sleeping long enough for an arbitrary bar to be filled, and then he would instantly wake up so refreshed that he might as well have dunked his head in ice-cold water.

"Okay," said Jaune, once he'd made his way to a small stretch of grassland and trees that the locals affectionately called a park. There was a single set of swings that he was too heavy to really use nowadays, but they made for a good seat. "So, I may have unlocked a... what is it called? A Semblance? I didn't even think that was possible without unlocking aura first."

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