Chapter 19

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Nora seemed to think he was being asked out on a date for some reason. It was all she kept talking about through the night, dragging Ren in with teasing comments on the group chat like "some hussy is stealing your femboy, Ren" and "no, you're breaking Renny's heart". It carried on until he and Ren, in a moment of clarity that reached beyond communication, blocked her almost simultaneously. They agreed to unblock her come morning, but it was what she got for trying to stir trouble.

Jaune was aware (his sister's told him it enough times) that he could be a little clueless when it came to the feelings of women, but he would 100% state that Weiss Schnee's interest laid in Pyrrha, not him. He doubted anyone would disagree with him on that. Not that he thought it was a romantic interest, and more that he didn't think romance had any part to play in this "date" she'd forced him to agree to.

He could be wrong…

But Weiss burst into his room to ask for his advice on what clothes to wear kind of suggested otherwise. His sisters did the same thing before dates of their own, including Saphron with Terra, and they sure as hell weren't going to go ask their date. Well… they also wouldn't have asked him either. He wore a hoodie and ripped jeans, so "fashion" was a little beyond him. His better clothes now were solely because Willow had bought them for him.

"I'm not asking for fashion advice!" Weiss snapped. "I'm asking you which of these two outfits you think looks casual enough." Weiss hefted two, while wearing a white sleeping gown. Had she really run barefoot all the way here? Jaune pitied the serving staff.

"Both look fine."

"All my clothes look good on me." He couldn't tell if that was arrogance about her appearance or a statement on the accurate purchase of her clothing. "But much of it is overly formal. I'm asking you – since you are a normal person – which you feel would be more suitable for a casual day out with a friend."

"Who's the friend?"

Her eyes pinched shut. "Prospective friend."

"You could have said me."

"I felt you'd appreciate the honesty."

"Ouch." But no big surprise. He didn't think Weiss disliked him, but they still hadn't talked enough to be any closer than that. "I'd go with the pale blue one, then, but I assume this is after the morning spar."

"Of course. These would only impede my movements. I've asked Klein to bring you to the training rooms, by the way."

"I get to watch?"

Weiss huffed and rolled her eyes. "You were never barred from spectating my training if you really wished to. I simply didn't imagine you'd care to, what with my mother occupying most of your time."

"With music," he stressed. "Clothed music."

"I've apologised for thinking otherwise already!"

"Fine. Fine. How has she been? I've not been asked to play for her today so I assume she's been wrapped up in the White Fang stuff?"

"You assume correctly. Whether or not we survived the night, others did not and it's a scandal.

"Surely not on your shoulders. Thet attacked you."

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