Part 5 of kageyama harem

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*kageyama was embarrassed that yawn he made*
*someone spoke before kageyama can say something*
"Okay guys! let's get back to practice!"
*it was daichi who spoke*
"Okay... um.."
"BAKA-YAMA! Ur so cute when you yawn!"
*kageyama goes red when hinata said that, when hinata harem hears that they went angry*
"Stop t-that!"
*as hinata was enjoying kageyama being embarrassed in front of him, hinata tugged on to kageyama arm, which made the tangerine harem more angry but with that someone drag hinata away from kageyama*
"Huh?!" *as hinata got drag by atsumu*
"Oh sorry tobio-kun but he's not yours"
*hinata was shocked that he got drag by atsumu but he felt bad for kageyama, but kageyama didn't felt bad for himself he was happy that hinata was to clingy to him*
"Oh sorry"

*after practice, Osamu and sakusa was walking together to the cafeteria when they came across kageyama on his phone doing somethin, but before sakusa could say something, Kageyama started to dance beautiful as a song was playing,sakusa and osamu stood there shocked and blushing at how kageyama was dancing so beautiful...*
"Wow...." *when osamu said that kageyama turns his head at osamu and was shocked that osamu but.. sakusa!? was standing there the whole time watching him dance*
"Huh.!? how long were you standing there..!?"
"Long enough.."
*kageyama packed his stuff and walk out not saying anything to sakusa or osamu, the next day kageyama didn't feel like going to practice so he stayed in his dorm the whole day*
"Huh? Where's baka-yama?"
*no one didn't know where kageyama was but when kiyoko got a notification on her phone kiyoko spoke*
"Guys I have been formed that kageyama won't be coming to practice"
"Huh!? Why!?" *As hinata said that, kiyoko spoke*
"I don't know why but.. I'll have to go and talk to him"
*as kiyoko said that she walks off, but hinata couldn't help but felt worried for his best friend*

*with kageyama and hinata chat*

to kageyama: Hey baka-yama are you okay..?

From kageyama: yeah.

To kageyama: are you sure..?

From kageyama: yes.! so leave me alone..
*Hinata felt more worried about kageyama so after practice he would go see kageyama, but when he open his door and saw...*

*Everyone was eating that time but when they heard hinata screaming they ran to kageyama dorm and saw kageyama laying there not breathing*
"KAGEYAMA Pls... don't leave me..." *As Hinata starts to cry sakusa called the ambulance, when the ambulance took kageyama to the hospital everyone starts to question hinata but hinata was traumatized and couldn't talk until suga hugged him and hinata let's out his cries*

*in the hospital kageyama woke up*
*as the doctors walked in and was shocked that kageyama woke up*
"Are you okay kageyama do you remember anything..?"
"N-no.. but I remember passing out..wait where am I!?"
"Sir ur in the hospital..?"
"N-no no no..!"
"Sir calm down!"
*As kageyama starts panicking he stops and looks at the ground and say something unexpected*
"I wanna fake my death.."
"I- sir that's impossible.."
"Yes that's the only way that I need to get away from everyone..."
"Okay sir..."

*When the doctor comes out of the room hinata got up from his seat*
"Is he okay!?"
"I'm sorry.."
*As hinata hears from his best friend he collapse..*
"No... why did u leave me..."

*On the day of the funeral..*
"I wish I was there for u... but I've been a horrible friend to u.. I wish u a great time in heaven..."

*Few years later, hinata was a professorial volleyball player*
"HAI!" *as hinata and his team bokuto, sakusa, atsumu cheering for there victory*

(Hey guys I just posted a new post but I'll be making another one tomorrow, Lvu 😘💗)

(But this took me forever to make this one)

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