Wednesday Lover

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Wednesdays have never been known for anything good. In fact, it's always been the opposite. Whether it's been historical tragedies or smaller things, like having a test. Only one good thing happened on a Wednesday, I met Draco. I was never one for silly things like love at first sight or true love. But the moment I looked into his eyes it was like I couldn't look away. His eyes shone like a star in a black sky. The warm light of the candles in the dining hall made his skin a beautiful light caramel. His hair looked soft as velvet. He was beautiful.

According to him, he felt the same way.

Over time we always met on Wednesdays. We had potions together on Wednesday, after-school studies, and homework meets. It kept going till I always looked forward to Wednesday. I never expected to think of it as a good thing, but life is always full of surprises. He never ceased to surprise me.

One Wednesday afternoon, as we sat side by side in the potions class, Draco leaned in and whispered, "Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight. I have something special to show you." His eyes sparkled with excitement, mirroring the stars he mentioned.

Intrigued and curious, I agreed. As the day progressed, my mind buzzed with anticipation. The clock seemed to tick slower than usual as if time itself conspired to elongate the hours until the mysterious meeting.

Draco and I discreetly slipped away from the bustling corridors when the final bell rang and made our way to the astronomy tower. The air was crisp and cool, and the night sky stretched above us, adorned with countless twinkling stars. Draco had brought a small picnic blanket and a basket of treats.

"I wanted our Wednesdays to be even more special," he said, his eyes reflecting the moonlight. We sat on the blanket, surrounded by the magical ambiance of the night. Draco reached into the basket and pulled out a small telescope. "I thought we could explore the wonders of the universe together," he explained, a genuine smile gracing his face. We took turns gazing through the telescope, discovering distant planets and constellations that seemed to dance just for us.

As we laughed and shared stories under the celestial canopy, I realized that love, much like the stars, could be unpredictable and enchanting. Draco and I intertwined our lives in ways we never thought possible.

From that Wednesday onward, our astronomy tower meetings became a cherished tradition. We found solace in the quiet moments spent together, away from the pressures of the world. Our love deepened, and each passing Wednesday brought new discoveries in the sky above and within our hearts.

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