Our Secret Affair

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Name: Hugo Rockefeller 

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Name: Hugo Rockefeller 

Age: 17

Sign: Taurus

Height: 6'2 (188 cm)

Blood Type: B

Nationality: White American

Species: Human

Traits: considerate, tactful, moody, honest, tenacious, artistic, trustworthy, helpful, prone to worry a lot, strong temper, determined, kind, persistent, unpredictable, shrewd, faithful, fights to get what he wants, serious, rebellious

Extra: Has Russian ancestry from his mom's side and ran away from home when he was 11 due to his parents' constant arguing/previous unstable marriage. Made money off the streets by singing and playing the guitar as a kid, which led him to live in an abandoned dilapidated house. 

Name: Christa Hilton

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Name: Christa Hilton

Age: 17

Sign: Libra

Height: 5'6 (168 cm)

Blood Type: O

Nationality: White American

Species: Human

Traits: courteous, tasteful, sophisticated, shy, a bit docile, good mannered, tasteful, pragmatic, responsible, anxious, sensitive to the mood of others, has a lot of self-control, elegant, refined, diplomatic, outgoing, charming

Extra: Has a younger brother named Ricky and is micromanaged by her strict and traditional mom 24/7. Works as a model as a part time job apart from going to school and barely gets any rest. 

Name: Stefan Collins

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Name: Stefan Collins

Age: 17

Sign: Leo

Height: 6'3 (191 cm)

Blood Type: A

Nationality: British American

Species: Human

Traits: arrogant, egoistical, emotionally detached, proud, charming, wicked, scheming, appears easygoing, two-faced, outspoken, dramatic when provoked, sanctimonious, unbearable, graceful, impulsive, intellectual 

Extra: Came from an aristocratic family who scams other rich families for money and used to be the richest guy in his school. Murdered his "ex-lover" Jessica Stein with an ax and buried her body in his backyard. 

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