Name: Hugo Rockefeller
Age: 17
Sign: Taurus
Height: 6'2 (188 cm)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: White American
Species: Human
Traits: considerate, tactful, moody, honest, tenacious, artistic, trustworthy, helpful, prone to worry a lot, strong temper, determined, kind, persistent, unpredictable, shrewd, faithful, fights to get what he wants, serious, rebellious
Extra: Has Russian ancestry from his mom's side and ran away from home when he was 11 due to his parents' constant arguing/previous unstable marriage. Made money off the streets by singing and playing the guitar as a kid, which led him to live in an abandoned dilapidated house.
Name: Christa Hilton
Age: 17
Sign: Libra
Height: 5'6 (168 cm)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: White American
Species: Human
Traits: courteous, tasteful, sophisticated, shy, a bit docile, good mannered, tasteful, pragmatic, responsible, anxious, sensitive to the mood of others, has a lot of self-control, elegant, refined, diplomatic, outgoing, charming
Extra: Has a younger brother named Ricky and is micromanaged by her strict and traditional mom 24/7. Works as a model as a part time job apart from going to school and barely gets any rest.
Name: Stefan Collins
Age: 17
Sign: Leo
Height: 6'3 (191 cm)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: British American
Species: Human
Traits: arrogant, egoistical, emotionally detached, proud, charming, wicked, scheming, appears easygoing, two-faced, outspoken, dramatic when provoked, sanctimonious, unbearable, graceful, impulsive, intellectual
Extra: Came from an aristocratic family who scams other rich families for money and used to be the richest guy in his school. Murdered his "ex-lover" Jessica Stein with an ax and buried her body in his backyard.
Sneak a Peek
Romance(Not a summary) This is where I post my main guys' and girls' physical appearance, background, extra details, etc from my love stories, and other random activities for Pinterest! In case you want to know how they are portrayed. Enjoy!