past self

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AN: so this is a story where dazai is going back to his old self and treating atsushi like he did with akutagawa TW abuse, blood, gore and more stuff like that Bold with " means call and chuuya is like a mom figure a little bit and ship is shin soukou

Atsushi's pov~
It's was a normal day at the agency well except Dazai he has been acting weird he keeps glaring at me. I have training with him tonight I'm kinda worried about it also because when I asked him for a pencil he just glared harder and told me how I can't do anything right. Was he right can I really not do anything right? My thoughts were cut off buy my phone ringing

Atsushi "hello? How may I help you?

??? "Weretiger!"

Atsushi" Akutagawa what do you need"

Aku" you and dazai need to come to the docs we have a mission

Atsushi "We?"

Aku" "yes, me, you,dazai-san, and Chuuya-san hurry up"

call ended.

Atsushi"damn it" I started walking to the docs when I arrived dazai glared at me I just was a little shocked but didn't say anything because maybe I saw wrong.

Dazai" your are late atsushi." he said with an Icey cold tone I saw the pm members eyes widen

Atsushi" sorry sir" I heard him scoff at my apology before walking away

Atsushi" what is the mission on?"

Akutagawa" someone was murdered

Chuuya" young female mist 20s, light blond hair , daughter of XXXX and XXXX she was found brutally murdered stabbed 3 times in the chest then face kicked in." chuuya said filling me in

Atsushi' thank you chuuya-san" I said before walking over to the body I looked down at her her arm was hanging out from the tarp 'self harm scares' I thought I begane walking over to the group and telling the what I saw chuuya wrote it down

Time skip to after the mission

Chuuya" its starting to rain can we stay at whoever's house is closer because the PM base it almost across the city."

Atsushi" my house is closest" I said

AKutagawa" Okay lead the way were-tiger" I began walking before long we reached my house as we walked in the smell of red-wine and cinnamon hit our noses to me is was a comfort smell chuuya seemed to like the smell

Chuuya"Its smells nice in here"

Atsushi" thank you do you want anything to drink ?"

Chuuya" do you have red-wine?"

Atsushi" of course "

Dazai" Atsushi. We need to go train your on the basic level for a weakling" I forze was he calling me weak? I saw chuuya's eyes widen

Chuuya" are you calling him weak?" he said a little irritated

Dazai" If the shoes fits sometimes he is more useless then that akutagawa dog you have." he said in a cold but stern tone. I felt my blood boil when he called Aku Useless I grabbed his caller and dragged him out of my house

Atsushi "Leave." I said in a much colder tone then earlier, I saw Chuuya's ,dazai's,and aku's eyes widen in shock dazai got off the ground slapping me across the face before whispering

Dazai"No wonder your parents abandoned you, useless child." before disappearing into the rain I fell to the ground before crying

Atsushi" why did everything have to change?" I asked while chuuya gave me a hug to confort me and Aku kissed my forehead

A week later

Atsushi's pov

Dazai ended up quitting the ADA and no can find him "I hope he is okay" I thought before laying down and falling into a deep slumber.

AN; thank for reading I have been busy with class and readers block

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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