Day one

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The box came to a screeching halt, and when it stoped, I hit my head on a crate(leaving a sizable bruise I might add). After it stopped, the top opened. And with what looked like a pully system, another covering was lifted. I was blinded by the sun. But I could make out a bunch of people standing over me. One of them jumped in the box with me, and exclaimed to the other people in a strong deep voice,

"Look at that! It's a shucking girl!"

I heard a mix of people saying stuff like,

"Dibs!" Or, "she's hot!" And, "what the shuck?"

Then I realized that I was surrounded by 50-100 boys. Their ages ranging from 12-18 years old. Then somebody's voice rang out over all the others, cutting off my thoughts.

"Move over you slintheads! Make a path!"

His voice was laid thick with an English accent. How I knew which accent it was, was beyond me. Then a boy that looked about my age, (or what I thought my age was)with fluffy, dirty blonde hair, beautiful brown eyes, and a square jaw, jumped in. He was very muscular. He was wearing a tank top with a dirt smudged jacket thrown on top. I was studying him closely, and probably making a weird face. I know I had never seen a boy before, but he was fairly attractive. Then he walked towards me, and I fixed my gaze on the slight limp he had, which gave him a bouncy walk. He stuck out his hand.

"The name's Newt, greenie." He introduced himself. It wasn't until now that I noticed the unusual slang the boys were using.

"I'm Thene," I replied warily as I reached forward and grasped his hand and shook it.

His had was much bigger than mine, and he practically crushed it when he shook it. He helped me out of the box, and we tried to make our way through the crowd of boys. All of them were whistling at me and making snide comments about me and what I probably looked like naked. I just kept my head down, and followed Newt through the crowd. I grabbed the back of his jacket to avoid getting lost in the bush of boys and stared at my shoes, my mind racing with questions. Why couldn't I remember anything? What was this place? I was jolted from my thoughts when I felt someone grab my butt. I turned around, and on instinct, I punched him in the throat. He went down gasping for air and called me a slur. "Ooh's" swept through the crowd. Newt whipped around, looking ready to kill anyone who touched me. His expression softened when he saw the boy on the ground and said,

"You deserved that Sam," with a sly, surprised grin on His face.

Sam just flipped him off as he was trying to get off of the ground. Newt just kept on smiling as he led me the rest of the way through the crowd. I wondered why he was so protective over me. I just got here. When we broke through the edge of the tightly knit circle of boys, I saw the walls. Huge was an understatement. The walls towered over the utterly massive patch of grass that looked many football fields in length. It seemed to be divided into four sections:

In the Northwest corner, there was a shabby house with two stories, that looked like it was ready to fall over the second wind grazed the structure. Newt noticed my interest and explained,

"Usually the past greenie shows the newest person around, but I'll show you around because chuck is busy in the gardens," he began. I heaved a sigh of relief. I felt more comfortable with Newt than anyone else I might meet in this place. I didn't know why though... "This little patch of land is what we call the Glade." He motioned to the Northwest corner of the massive space. "That, is the Homestead," now the Northeast corner; he motioned to a large chunk of field that was covered in all different kinds of plants. "that is the gardens. Where we grow our food," now the southwest corner, covered in dense forest, "that is the Deadheads, where we bury our dead," And finally the Southeast corner. "That, is the bloodhouse. Where we keep and kill our animals. Now, you should probably go get set up in your room before sundown."

Alby and Newt being in charge,(Alby being the leader, Newt second in command) escorted me to my room. I had a room in the homestead, a privilege nobody else had, but Newt and Alby both decided it was best I slept in the homestead. And in a glade full of horny teenage boys, I was more than grateful for privacy, which I could tell was a hot commodity in this overpacked who-knows-where. My room was on the second floor, with a window that overlooked the entire Glade. Every glader had at least two pairs of day clothes, and a pair of pajamas. The gladers had also found shampoo and conditioner among other feminine products in the box when I came up. So that is what I had when I moved in to my room. By the time I had gotten settled, the sun had almost disappeared behind the vast walls surrounding the Glade, coloring the sky a pleasant gradient of pinks, blues, and reds. As I was admiring the sky, someone knocked on my door. I quickly crossed my room to unlock the door. When I opened it, Newt stood there. Our height difference made it so that I had to look up to see his face when we stood close enough to have a conversation. This made it awkward because when I opened the door, all I saw was his jaw and neck. Looking at the way his jaw curved into his neck, and how his shirt hung loosely around his shoulders made my face get a bit warm.

"Hello love," he greeted me.

"Hi," I replied timidly, looking up.

"There's a bond fire down in the Glade, if you want to join us. We always have one the night a new greenie arrives," he explained.

"Sure," I told him hesitantly, remembering the groping I'd endured earlier this afternoon.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to," he offered, noticing my apprehensive demeanor.

"No, it's fine. If it's a traditional thing I'll go," I said.

I wish I hadn't agreed. I had barely adjusted to my own space, let alone the entire Glade. Don't even bother with the people in it. I probably wouldn't ever get used to all of the boys.

He led me down the stairs, and out of the homestead. I felt myself beginning to hyperventilate, and grabbed the back of his jacket with my thumb and forefinger in an effort to latch on to something physically and mentally. I hadn't formed a bond with anything, and needed something physical to ground my spiraling mental state. I focused on my breathing. That didn't help the anxiety attack I could feel edging towards me. My chest tightened, and tears stung the back of my eyes. I breathed harder, trying to calm myself but it wasn't working. I fixed my gaze on my shoes, trying to stop my vision from tunneling, but it was pointless. I knew(I don't know how)the anxiety attack was inevitable. Then I felt something wrap around me. I looked around, and saw Newt hugging me.

"It's alright love," he comforted me just above a whisper.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. My face was buried in his chest, and I started to sob. I was so stressed and scared, I couldn't hold it in any more.

"It's gonna be alright."

I felt his voice vibrating in his chest. It was comforting. His hug was the thing I needed today. The embrace of another human was something I was grateful for.

We stood there for a few minutes, me crying, him slowly swaying and rubbing my back. Eventually I pulled away, and rubbed my eyes.

"Better?" He asked.

"Much better. Thank you."

I looked at his shirt, the front completely soaked. I started to laugh.

"Sorry about that," I apologized with an airy chuckle.

"It's alright love, really. It's not heathy to keep your emotions cooped up inside of you," he seemed to speak from experience.

"Thanks," I said again.

"Do you want to go back to the homestead?"


That night, I watched the boys dance around the fire for hours. It looked like so much fun, but I knew that if I'd gone over there I'd have had another anxiety attack. Newt had insisted on staying the night, but I refused. I needed some time to myself.

(A/N):Thanks for reading!💖

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