《 i love you more 》

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I'm sketching out an outline of a secondary school when I hear a collection of frenzied knocks on my front door.

Agitated, I stand, thrusting my chair back into my desk. Rolling up my shirt sleeves, I head out of my office, through Ella and I's bedroom, and towards the foyer.

I'm surprised someone has had the audacity to bother me this early in the morning.

I'm not surprised, however, that it's Kenji.

He looks the slightest bit uncomfortable as I open the door and wait for him to speak.

"Sorry for bothering you, man," he says, and I nod my appreciation for the sentiment, "but J's plane just landed, and I thought you might want to —"

Before he can finish the sentence, I've stepped onto the porch, closed the door, and locked it. In this run-down neighborhood, Ella and I are lucky to have a decent house.

But we're working on building new ones. All of us.

As a matter of fact, that's why she was visiting Oceania. At home, I sketch out the architecture for new buildings, and Ella sets the groundwork. With the help of our friends, of course.

This past week she's met with the citizens about what they want in their schools. If I know her, she's collected all their information both physically and mentally.

"Of course I want to," I say.

Kenji tosses me the keys to the black convertible we managed to salvage. There are few vehicles left in our wretched world, although this one runs just well enough to get us to the runway.

The small, private plane is sitting on a makeshift strip of land. Although the walkway has been lowered, no one has come out yet.

Ignoring Kenji's chattering, I get out of the car and walk up to the plane.

"Ella," I call. "Are you coming out, love?"

I hear feet shuffling. A moment later, a brown head of hair peaks out, along with a familiar smile.

"Aaron?" She practically skips down the walkway and into my arms. Smiling, I hold her against my chest. "Kenji said he was picking me up."

Approaching us from the car, Kenji says, "I am, princess. Just thought I'd drag him along with me."

"He did nothing of the sort," I say to Ella.

"You came voluntarily?"

"Naturally, love. I am your husband."

Ella laughs. "I mean, you willingly drove with Kenji?"

"He's been less of a bastard today than usual."

Ella shakes her head, fighting a smile.

Kenji scowls. "Y'know, coming from you, that almost sounds like a compliment."

"See?" Ella says to her best friend. "I told you he's nice."

Kenji rolls his eyes. "Forgive me, J, but you and I seem to have different definitions of nice."

As she passes him, heading for the car, she smiles.

I follow. Opening the door for her, I say, "You get shotgun, love."

"You're just picking favorites," Kenji mutters, getting into the backseat without my help.

"In what universe would I pick you over her?" I ask him.

"The one where you're high." Grinning, he adds, "or dead, preferably."

"Kenji." Ella sighs, and by the look on her face, I can tell she's contemplating getting back on that plane. If the pilot were still there, I'm sure she might have.

"Sorry, Princess."

"Apologize to Aaron."

Kenji spares me a glance but mutters, "Sorry," under his breath with little enthusiasm.

I don't respond. Instead, I cross to the other side of the car and get in. Starting the engine, I reach over to rest my hand on Ella's thigh.

Kenji pretends to retch when she smiles at me. "I think I'm going to vomit."

"I'll roll down the window for you," I offer, smiling back at my wife.

Still bugged at me for reasons beyond my understanding, Kenji remains unusually quiet for the remainder of the car ride.

I ask Ella about her trip and, excitedly, she tells me that there are plans for five new schools to be built in Oceania.

"Kids will finally have somewhere to learn," she says.

Although I know she's been passionate about this endeavor for a while, sometimes I wonder how much her upbringing has affected it.

When we reach our street — if it can even be called that — Kenji gets out first. Jumps out, practically.

"Where are you going?" Ella asks him. Before I can cross the car to open her door, she's already gotten out.

"The sanctuary," he responds. "Winston and Ian need help with the drainage system."

"Can I come?"

"Princess, if you come, then you'll be dragging your grumpy boyfriend —"


" — around with us. And frankly," Kenji adds, "I don't want to see you two canoodling." He shudders. "Or worse."

This is perhaps one of the only times he and I are in agreement. Reaching my arms around Ella's waist, I say, "Not today, sweetheart."

"But —"

I twist her around to face me. "You just got home, love. And, to be blunt, I'd much prefer to spend the day in bed with you than cleaning pipes."

Kenji slaps his hands over his ears. "This," he says, "is exactly why I can't tolerate the two of you together."

Ella laughs. "Don't act like you and Nazeera aren't the same way."

Kenji ruffles her hair and pulls her into a playful headlock. "Aren't you going to thank me for picking you up?"

"Actually, Aaron was the one who —"

"Never mind." Kenji grins at her. "Go have fun with your husband, J." Taking the keys from my hand and getting in the driver's seat, he smirks and adds, "but not too much."

Ella is still blushing when he pulls away.

A devious grin has spread over my face. Hand in hand, we walk up the steps to our porch.

"Now that he's gone," I say, opening the front door for her, "is it appropriate to pounce on you?"

Ella giggles. "Have you turned into a wild animal?"

My eyes darken. "Only around you."

Ella kisses me in that desperate way she does when we haven't seen each other recently. I twist us around and use her body to close the front door. Unwilling to have any visitors, I lock it, too.

"Aaron," Ella manages.

"Yes, love?"

Her lips ease into a smile. "I missed you."

Smiling back, I pluck her into my arms and carry her into our bedroom. I've had the decency to make the bed, but I doubt that's necessary now. Before I can deposit her on the mattress, however, Ella says, "Wait."

She frees herself from my arms. Walks into my office. As I follow her, she selects the sketch I'd been working on this morning.

Grasping her hips, I say, "It's a school. For Oceania."

"It's beautiful." She examines it a moment longer before dropping the card stock onto my desk. Glancing back at me, she says, "I love you."

I'm taken aback for a moment. Although I know she loves me, Ella is one to tell me often.

I, too, am trying to get in a better habit of it.

"And I," I murmur, trailing kisses down her jaw, "love you more."

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