Fourth Story: Endless Echoes of Battles (FANTASY-ACTION)

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Freya Lin Weichenhart, the Queen of the Izaruz Kingdom, was destined to rule over her entire realm

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Freya Lin Weichenhart, the Queen of the Izaruz Kingdom, was destined to rule over her entire realm. From the moment of her birth, it was clear she was meant to be the queen, entrusted with the duty of leading and protecting her people. Her education and training encompassed not only the role of a queen but also that of a mage and a soldier, all geared towards the defense and well-being of her subjects.

Freya lifted her sword in her right hand and held her orb in her left, shouting, "For the Kingdom of Izaruz!!" Her cry echoed through the ranks of soldiers and mages behind her. Swinging her sword through the air, a potent burst of magic emanated, cutting down the opposing soldiers from rival kingdoms. All this happened while she rode on her swift, white horse, charging into the heart of the battle.

Lhivon Seigreid, the King of the Lore Kingdom, endured a harsh upbringing, marked by the intense internal conflicts within the royal family vying for the throne. From a tender age, he faced the cruelest possible challenges. In the end, he overcame his hardships, putting an end to his opponents' lives and claiming the throne as his own.

"FREEDOM TO THE LORE!" bellowed the King of the Lore Kingdom, his rallying cry echoing across the battlefield as opposing soldiers fell before him. With unparalleled ferocity, he soared towards the two opposing kingdoms, engaging in combat. Mercilessly, he slew each enemy in his path, one by one, leaving no room for mercy.

Hugo Raz Valley, the King of the Schwane Kingdom and an orphan, ascended to the throne during a revolt, chosen by the citizens. Without uttering a word, he raised his hands and pointed ahead. This simple gesture spurred his people into action, charging towards the enemy in unison.

This was a war, a conflict where countless lives hung in the balance. Each kingdom took a gamble, risking everything to defend their homes and people.

But how did this war begin?

Once, the three kingdoms were close allies. Their founders being a group of friends. Among them, two married and ruled Lore, one took Izarus, and another claimed Lore.

These four were hailed as heroes, establishing their own kingdoms. In life, they stood united until their end. Their children also shared a unique bond, not until it shattered during the ceremony announcing the heir to the Izarus Kingdom.

Dimitri, the jealous eldest son of the King, framed Lore for attacking Izarus and later manipulated Izarus into a conflict with Schwane. This deception led to a bloody war, leaving a lasting scar on history. Thoren, the younger brother and the heir, fell in battle, with Dimitri falsely attributing his death to the King of Lore.

This feud persisted for centuries, fueled by misinformation from Dimitri. The pages of history were tainted with falsehoods spun by his deceitful narrative.

Freya, the Queen of Izarus, Von, the King of Lore, and Raz, the King of Schwane, were once close friends, despite the conflicts within their kingdoms and families. However, fate had other plans, turning them into bitter enemies. The Lore kingdom harbored resentment towards Izarus, and Izarus reciprocated towards Schwane.

Von committed acts of wrongdoing in Izarus, exploiting his friendship with Freya. In turn, Freya engaged in similar actions against Raz and the Schwane Kingdom. The tranquility that followed the initial Bloody War in Schwane shattered when Raz's fury surfaced, ignited by Freya's role in the demise of his adopted brother and sister.

"Traitors," Raz muttered with strength and anger as the three of them faced each other away from their soldiers.

"You should've known this day would come, Raz," Von remarked.

"You shouldn't have expected something special for the three of us," Freya said before they clashed.

Despite their current attempt to end each other's lives, they all understood that not everything they had shown each other were fake.

The war persisted for two consecutive days until one kingdom emerged victorious-Schwane.

Von, coughing up blood, felt Raz's blade pierce his chest. Despite the mortal wound, Von managed a weak smile. He hugged Raz and patted his back, whispering, "Good job."

Freya, also grievously injured, spoke with waning strength, "S-sorry... I know the truth... but... I'm the Queen."

With their last breaths, Von and Freya succumbed.

Raz, riding a pegasus, ascended into the sky, raising his fist in triumph. "We... WE WON!! SCHWANE WON!" he shouted as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Raz yearned that fate hadn't cast them as enemies, especially not born into their respective kingdoms.

As Raz's fist lingered in the air, a purple light emanated, enveloping everything from the ground to the sky. After a few moments, clarity returned. It was pristine, as though the war had never occurred.

Raz startled awake, breathing heavily from a deep sleep. Relief washed over him momentarily, thinking it was just a nightmare. However, that comfort faded as he noticed how he was standing and the familiar tattered clothes from the war, dirt, and wounds covering his body and face. His left hand still clutched the bow, and the sword he used to end Freya and Von lay on the ground before him.

"Raz!" echoed a familiar voice, both a man and a woman in harmony.

Raz dropped to his knees and wept. As he turned around, there were Freya and Von, waving and running towards him, adorned in their everyday, casual attire. It wasn't a dream and it was clear that a second chance had been granted to all of them. This time, Raz vowed not to let this precious opportunity slip away and to fix everything, cherishing the chance bestowed upon them by fate.


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