Chapter Forty-Two - Angel Chaser

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MR. KENNEDY DROVE ME HOME before I could thank everyone, and Luc was already off to help the others dispose of the bodies. Changing into pajamas was suddenly an olympian task that slashed my breath in half. I delved into a dreamless slumber, all awareness snuffed out instantly.

Dad woke me after sunrise to warn me I was going to miss school. It was so soon, it felt like I just blinked. I turned in my pillows with a whine and his entire expression changed.

"You're so pale, what's wrong?" He stuck the back of his fingers to my forehead. 

Whatever incoherent mumble I managed didn't satisfy him. Still, I don't remember him leaving the room and slept until late afternoon. When light hit my lids again, my first floating thoughts were about who might be watching the house tonight. Then I realized that now, I was going to live normally, get to know the town like any new local, like I'd expected to when I moved here.

I stood shakily in the quiet room, wondering how any of it had been real.

My phone was empty. 

A sting radiated in my chest. I knew why, and he said multiple times it was better this way. If Luc changed his mind, he'd send a text or something but I owed it to him to keep my end, no matter how backward it felt.

Day one of being free. I never imagined I'd be holding back tears just staring at an empty message box.

I sent one to Emma instead, letting her know the plan had worked. 

Dad was waiting for me to crawl out of my room, against all odds. He walked from the food-laden counter and across the hall, grabbing my head and kissing it. "You looked so tired, I didn't want to bother you. Rough week?"

Aside from the throbbing skull, I was mostly better. I could still feel the blood loss in the shower and thought I was lucky I didn't fall.

"Yeah... You didn't go to work?"

"I didn't know what was going on with you, if it was serious, so I called off. I was about to check on you again," he said, still holding my head with his large hands.

My mouth was so dry and my lips were so pasty. I glanced ahead, spotting that big lemonade pitcher, and then the pile of golden pancakes and fruits. Sugar heaven. Probably just what I needed. Dad smiled as he noticed, like I'd uncovered a secret gift, and stepped aside.

"I made lots in case you were very hungry. I can stay all day."

He never called off in his line of work. I didn't know how he pulled it off, and I didn't want to dwell on it. I was going to have a full day with him, no school. The headache and the dizziness was almost worth it.

"I'm fine," I said with my most convincing tone, trying not to think about yesterday. "A day home sounds great, just this once."

Dad winked, though he didn't seem entirely sure. "Just this once."

Turns out I did have an appetite and was able to hold down my food. I was mostly chugging the hell out of that lemonade glass and refilling it. He sat on the closest stool, studying me as I poured and stabbed into a new serving of pancake, like it reassured him after my words hadn't.

He babied me some more after that, sharing a blanket on the couch and putting on the Discovery Channel. For the first time in so long, I felt safe and knew that nothing would burst through the door to eviscerate our bellies. I could barely keep my eyes open to watch TV.

I went under again, despite trying hard not to in case it worried Dad.

It wasn't a black tunnel, this time. The man with the brown coat at the hospital, he was roaming the halls and I was running after him, calling and turning corners. Each time I did, he was already at the other end and I'd lose him. I'd catch a glimpse of the scar on his head whenever he made the turn.

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