Chapter I: Part 1

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Unila had a younger brother named Cyrus, the both of them never did liked each other, perhaps that's how their parents act as well? 

"Unila! Cyrus! When will you two stop fighting over little things? You two are already grown ups!", shouted by their mother, who just heard their yells, fighting over some foods served on the dining table.

"Pancit bihon is much tastier than that!", "No! Lumpiang Shanghai is the best!", they exchange voices. Their mother was irritated as she watched them argue in front of the dining table.

Later on, the father entered the house, drunk as always. "What time is it? It's already 6 PM! What are you even doing??", shouted by the mother as she noticed him entered. "Doing work as always! What do you even think?", shouted back by the father. 

"Work? Really? You always come home drunk?!","At least I had a work unlike you always at home doing nothing! You're not even taking care of the kids!". "Well, you could have said that much early, so I could have a reason to leave this damn house! I'm tired anyways always with this kids..", "Leave? So you're leaving the responsibility as a mother!". 

The kids were too stunned to speak, hearing their parents argue in front of them was different. They were not used to it.

The next day, their mother left and their father kept drinking alcohol at the living room.

"What do we do now?", asked by Cyrus who was only seven years old, looking outside the window. "I don't know...", replied by his older sister, Unila. She was only nine years old, sitting quietly at a corner. 

"Maybe just wait again..", Unila uttered, as she fell asleep while still sitting at the corner.

Eight years later, their father eventually left, their mother took Cyrus away, and Unila was taken by her grandmother, Lola Priscilla. 

No one contacted each other, "It seems useless to contact each other anyways", Unila exclaimed, as she was already 17 years old, peacefully studying at her room, while her grandmother cook lunch downstairs.

At school, Unila had already left home and head to school. As she was walking, she accidently bumped into someone. It was a little girl with her older brother. "I'm sorry!", she immediately apologized and bowed in front of them. She, then, stood up and recognized something to the young man.

"Cyrus?", she asked, the boy kept looking at her and didn't replied. "Brother, do you know her?", asked by the little girl, "No.. Let's keep going, mom is going to be worried.", he replied to the kid, and eventually left Unila with no answer.

She continued heading to school, still thinking about her younger brother that she had not been with for almost eight years.  But he really do resemble Unila's younger brother, Cyrus. "I hope it's not really him.. I can't forgive myself because I didn't fight for my own brother..". 

"UNILA!! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU!!", shouted by her friend Aleah, who was with her boy-bestfriend, Mac.

"Heya girl..", she replied in a melancholy tone.
"What happened? You seemed unusual..", Aleah asked, trying to comfort her friend. "As usual, trying to find my little brother..", Unila said, her voice says that she wants to let go of her hopes.

"We all know that you'll find your lil' bro soon!", Aleah replied in a worried way, and reassuring Unila that she'll find him soon.

It was lunch time, Unila went to the canteen to buy food when she accidentally stepped on the foot of the student in front of her while standing in line. 

"I'm sorry for stepping on your foot..", Unila uttered in an anxious way.

She looked up too see who she stepped on, and it was the boy earlier, the one who she bumped into while heading to school.

"Oh, it's you again..", he said in an annoyed tone, as he turned his back to her.

She just want to know if he isn't really her younger brother, but how can she ask him, he always avoids her, intentionally.

"So you really dislike me, huh?", Unila murmured, while looking away.

"Quit whispering, you know I can hear it..", the young boy was insulted on her attitude. He didn't turn to talk to her properly, instead he just spoke to make her shut up.

"Aleah! Just get me a Dutch Mill, I can't stand this being in this line anymore..", Unila left and left her friend in the line and went to a bench near the tree outside her school.

"Is it really hard to tell me that you're really him?", She lowered her head and quietly tear up.

She just want to know if Cyrus was fine without her, she didn't want to force him to go back with her. It seems like his fine anyways, so she doesn't need to worry anymore.

Hours after, you waited for your friend, Aleah, but she didn't show up at your favorite spot. "It's already time to go home.. 3:45 PM", she checked her phone and she felt betrayal as always from her.

She stood up from her sit and before she head back inside, someone stood before her, it was holding her Dutch Mill that she requested from her friend.

"Do you really wanna know what's my name?", A familiar young boy's voice came speaking. She looked up and saw the boy from the canteen.

When she get closer, she can see more and more in his face the resemblance to his younger brother. She hope he was at least the person she has been looking for almost 8 years.

"I'm Koresh..You?", He finally told her his name, but it wasn't Cyrus, she thought he was her missing brother but she was wrong.

"Unila.. I'm sorry that I mistook you for my lost brother", she apologized.

"It's fine, who is he again?", he asked. Why was he asking some personal question? "Cyrus.. I need to go home, it's getting late.", I immediately changed the topic, but it's true though, it's getting late, my grandmother would be worried for me otherwise.

"Don't forget the Dutch Mill you requested from your friend.", he shouted, I turned around and he extended his hand where he was holding the Dutch Mill.

"Thanks.", she replied in a dry tone.

She smiled to him and eventually left.

At home, her grandmother wasn't there, she must have went out to buy groceries.

"I'm tired..", she immediately laid down in bed.



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