Chapter I: Part 2

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"*Knock* *knock*", who must be at the door?
She went in front of the door, wanting to hear its voice first before opening it.

"Delivery-", a young man's voice spoke. Who ordered something?

"Who is it from?", Unila asked, she isn't opening the door yet, must have been scared who's there.

"From Ms. Gracia Trania-", that name was familiar. "She claimed as your mother, Ms. Unila-", he added.

"Mother...", she repeated that words in her mind.

"I'll just leave the package right in front of your door, Ms.", she heard he already left. Unila opened the door, and she saw a box, written her mother's name. Is she planning to see her after leaving her?

Unila took the box with her inside, she sat on the ground and opened it with a cutter she found at the kitchen. When she opened it there was a piece of paper and also clothes of a young boy actually.

"Who is this for?", Unila asked loudly as someone knocked at door. "Hello?", a familiar young boy's voice asked.

"Wait a minute..", She exclaimed, as she was just about to stand up and head to the door to open it. As she opened it, Unila saw a young boy standing outside, "Is this Unila's house?", he asked as he entered without permission.

"Uhm, excuse me, you can't just enter someone's house without permission..", "You were taking too long to reply to my question.". "Well, you could have wait, stranger!", She shouted, pulling his hair.

"AHH!", the boy shouted as he held the hand she was using to pull his hair.

Suddenly, someone entered the door, It was Lola Priscilla.

She was holding a grocery bag with groceries in it. "Why were you two fighting again?", she exclaimed while putting the groceries inside the fridge.

"Again?", Unila asked out of curiosity.

"Oh come on.. You two are siblings..", Lola Priscilla said.

"Siblings?? SIBLINGS???", the both of them shouted, Unila and the young boy.

The both of them, looked at each other with surprised expression on their faces.

"What are you saying, Grandma?", Unila asked as she the old lady enter the kitchen. 

"No way!!", the boy was taken aback as he was also shocked.

"Dears, have you two already forgotten that you two were siblings? HAHA! How amusing, little boy, she's Unila your sister, or you may call her Celyn-", the old lady was stopped at what she was talking as Unila interject.

"Wait- Celyn? Who? Me?", It got Unila's attention, that name keep spinning inside her head an endless ride of roller coaster.

"Jeez, you must be my older sister..", the boy announced as he went upstairs, carrying the box full of his clothes.

"Be a little nice towards your brother, Unila... He do not want fight.", Her grandmother protested still in a nice and sweet tone.

"What just happened..", she didn't realized what happen just now, it all happened so fast.

The next morning, Unila, who was late to wake up for school, arrived late.
"Unila, It's new for you to be late. Why could be the reason, may I ask?", the teacher asked.

Everyone has their eyes on her, making her feel uncomfortable. "There was a problem last night in the house, Teacher", kind of feeling nervous, it's new for Unila to be like this.

After the discussion, the teacher already went outside, and it was time for breaktime.

"Good at lying!", a boy approached me, as he chuckled afterwards.
"What-", she looked at him, still feeling nervous, but she recognized him soon as he lean closer to her table, they were seatmates.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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