chapter 1

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8 A.M

Everyone is getting ready for going on their work.

ANVIKA'S and ABHYANSH are getting ready for their collage.

And there is no sight of AARADHY because he doesn't come home last night.

Everybody starts gathering at dining table for their breakfast.

Good morning, everyone.
Radhey-Radhey maa -papa.

Radhey-Radhey beta

Radhey-Radhey beta

Good morning maa sa (saying this with energetic and cheerful voice)

They all settle down on their places but still two chairs are vacant the head chair and a chair near RUHANIKA.

Where are they both RUHANIKA?

Papa he (ABHIMANYU) will be there in some minutes earlier he went for his daily workout and Aaradhy doesn't came last night but I talked to him, and he said that he will be there before breakfast.

Ok let's wait for them for 5 minutes if they don't come then we will start our breakfast.
(It's a tradition to have meals with family)

Ok papa

Mumma, you know, my friend's brother is getting married, and she is so excited for welcoming her Bhabhi.
Mumma I also want a Bhabhi. (saying this while make pout)

DADI (Bhavna)
Ruhanika I am also thinking about Aaradhy marriage.

Maa I am thinking the same for so long but whenever I tries to talk to Aaradhy about this, he doesn't even let me complete my sentence and he always refuse.
I also want someone to care about his. He doesn't even think about his health he always work. According to him work is his life he always skips meals which is not good for his health. Papa plz talks to him he only listens you.

Don't worry beta I talk to him.
And I will made him understand.

Thank you, papa, 😌

Its ok beta

Abhimanyu enters the dining area.

Good morning, everyone sorry for make you wait.

Be on time next time.
You are not a child you yourself is the father of three.

Sorry baba sa
(While taking his seat next to Ruhanika )

Servants start serving breakfast.

Good morning sweetheart (saying this in a low voice near his wife ear)

Ruhanika choke on water and start coughing.

What happens beta?
Drink slowly.

Drink slowly ruhanika .
(Saying innocently)

Ruhanika glare at him

I am ok baba sa

Abhimanyu call Aaradhy and ask him where he is.
(In a deadly tone)

Baba sa I had talked to him, and he says he have some important meeting to attend so he can't make it in breakfast.

I surely need to talk this boy (voice full of anger)

Everyone understands that he is angry now, so we need to shut our mouth.

After breakfast everyone went to their respective working place and collage.


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