CHAPTER 4. Enrollment.

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I'm back with moree! Enjoy~

after THAT happened, they all just sat in the principals office, not daring to say a word to the..creature in front of them. The silence went on for minutes, and minutes, and minutes, until- "LITERALLY WHAT ARE WE DOING?! ARENT WE SUPPOSED TO BE ENROLLED INTO THIS STUPID SCHOOL??" Kiyatai yelled, she was fed up with the long silence. "Ah yes! My apologies, Before we start, I'd like to properly introduce myself. my name is nezu, and I am the principal of this institution." The mouse said with a smile as he lifted the cup of tea to his mouth and drank it, the slayers just watched and waited for him to continue.

He sat his now empty cup down onto the table before continuing, "As you may or may not know, U.A is the school of hero's in training! Many talented students are working hard everyday in order to become pro hero's one day." He said with a proud smile, he really loved his job, huh? Tanjiro tilted his head in amusement, "That's amazing, I'm sure your students will do great!" He said with a bright smile, nezu chuckled at his words, "Thank you kamado, I'm sure they will as well."

It was quiet for a few seconds before a faint voice was heard, " like, when we enroll, do we have to..f-fight.?" Zenitsu asked with a tint of fear in his voice. "Yes, you do, it's not like it will benefit you, but it's recommended for you to fight in our battle classes, if you wanna blend in with the students more." Nezu smiled at the blonde, Zenitsu shuttered in fear at his words, Tanjiro frowned and rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him, Zehira moved her head forward to look at Zenitsu who sat a few chairs away from her, "I'm sure we'll be fine Zenitsu, it's not like we're gonna get into a serious fight." She said, trying to calm the blonde down, but it didn't work, obviously.

"Excuse me sir, im sorry for the sudden question, but which class will we be enrolled in? If you don't mind me asking of course." Yamiki asked the principal with a small smile, hoping to get an answer. "You will all be enrolled into class 1-A under the hero course!" The principal smiled at the slayers, but Zehira tilted her head with a confused expression, "but what about nezuko and kurai? Will they be with us?" nezu looked at the girl before sighing, "Unfortunately, they won't be able to be in any classes due to them being demons, no offense of course, but they will be staying with me in my office during school hours." Tanjiro and Zehira sighed in relief, those two really cared for the demon girls.

Kurai and nezuko brightened up at the news, They'd be able to hang out for the whole day! The two (absolutely adorable) demons looked at each other with bright smiles, "I'm glad we can stay together, nezuko!" Kurai said in an excited tone, nezuko nodded happily, "Hmm-hmm!", Tanjiro and Zehira looked at the two demons with soft smiles, These two girls meant the world to them.

"I wonder who we'll meet in 1-A! I hope they're cool!" Iku said with a grin, but Kiyatai rolled her eyes, "dont get too excited or attached, kid. We're not gonna stay for any longer after we complete our mission." Kiyatai laid back into her chair and crossed her arms, "and that goes for all of you as well." She said as she glared at the teenagers. "Dont worry nayoushi-San! We won't." Zehira smiled at the blue haired girl, to which she responded to with a scoff.

"IM GONNA CHALLENGE THEM TO BATTLE THE GREAT INOSUKE!!" The black and blue haired boy stood up from his seat and yelled in determination, "absolutely not." Zehira said with a sigh, this was going to a VERY tiring mission, she could tell. Inosuke became irritated, "BUT-" He started, but Zehira glared at him, "sit down, and stop screaming." And as soon as she said that, Inosuke sat down and instantly shut his mouth. The others looked at the two and held in a laugh, Zehira could be very intimidating sometimes, and it was honestly scary.

Aizawa, who stood behind everyone the whole time, sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, their mere existence was just exhausting. "Well, i believe we should discuss the enrollment before Inosuke starts up again." Yamiki said as she sighed. Nezu nodded in agreement, and Kiyatai just groaned and dragged her hands down her face. "let's just get this done and over with."

I'm sorry, this chapter was kinda short because I didn't have any good ideas for the whole conversation and stuff- but anyway, thank you all for reading! Have a great day<3

820 words.

 𝘼𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙇𝘿.  A kny oc x mha fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now