CHAPTER 5. Introductions.

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This chapter was so tiring to write, so I hope it's good. Enjoy!

A sigh was heard from Kiyatai as she looked in the mirror, she narrowed her eyes as her reflection stared right back at her. she was fixing her school uniform in the changing room along with the other girls. she buttoned up her blazer before turning around to face iku, Yamiki, and zehira, They were talking about how excited they were to be in a class full of people with superhuman abilities.

Kiyatai sighed and crossed her arms, "Are you guys done talking? We need to go before the class starts." The girls perked up at the voice and turned their attention towards the blue haired woman, "Yeah! It's about to start so we should hurry up." Iku said with a smile while Zehira and Yamiki squealed in excitement, Kiyatai just groaned in annoyance before opening the door, waiting for them to walk out first.

The girls rushed to the doors entrance, "Thanks for holding the door open nayoushi-San!" Zehira said with a wide grin, Kiyatai just rolled her eyes, "whatever." The girls laughed a bit at Kiyatai before running out of the room, and into the halls. Kiyatai sighed and quickly  followed them.

As they were rushing towards class 1-As door, they encountered Aizawa who was lazily walking towards the class as well, The girls (except for Kiyatai) smiled at the sight of their temporary teacher, they all walked up to the scruffy man and began talking to him.

"Goodmorning aizawa-sensei!" Yamiki said with a light smile, "Good morning!" Iku said as well in an excited tone, "morning." Kiyatai simply said, not really caring about starting a full conversation, "Hello Aizawa-sensei!"  Zehira greeted him with a wide smile, Aizawa raised his brow and looked toward the girls, "Good morning, girls." their smiles widened even more (if that's even possible)

"I'm so excited to meet everyone!" Iku commented and began rambling about how she wanted to be friends with everyone in their class, Zehira giggled and Yamiki laughed softly, "Me too! I wonder what kind of abilities they have?" Zehira stated as she imagined what those abilities could be like, "I wonder if they can control fire or water!" Yamiki said in an excited tone.

Kiyatai just groaned in annoyance, "they better not be nuisances." the girls deadpanned at her while Aizawa snorted, "you'll see soon." He said as they finally reached the door that contained 1-As students. "You girls wait out here, and wait until I tell you to come in." The girls nodded as they watched their teacher walk into the classroom.


Inside the classroom, multiple students chatted and laughed amongst each other, they were either talking about something stupid or something hero related, but all their attention went to their teacher who just walked through the door.

"good morning, class." Aizawa said as he walked to the podium that stood in front of the students, "Good morning aizawa-sensei!" The teacher slightly narrowed his eyes and placed a stack of papers on the podium, "good work on yesterday's combat training." He said in a monotone voice.

"I saw the video and results." He turned to a blonde haired boy. "Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid." the boy shifted his gaze to the side and frowned, "I know." He said in slight embarrassment. Aizawas attention shifted to a green haired student.

"And Midoriya." The said boy stiffened and looked down to the floor, "you settled it by breaking your arm again, huh?" the teacher was unamused at this point, seriously, how obsessed was he with breaking his bones?

Midoriya sweated as his teacher continued, "You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over." Midoriya grit his teeth at the mention of his quirk, and how he's not able to control it.

 𝘼𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙇𝘿.  A kny oc x mha fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now