Chapter 13 : Love is a lie ♡

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Manjari's POV;

I don't know what got into me, I was so confused, hurt and furious.

I saw HIM with SOME GIRL

She was hugging him, also she KISSED HIM ON CHEEK!!
My heart shattered into millions of pieces. All my happiness was drained off of me. I never imagined him with some other girl. It was like someone ripped my heart out, took my soul away from my body.

But the question was, why I was this hurt????


I see him, his confused face, I couldn't see it, I came here for him, Tears were streaming down my face continuously.

This was the best gift he has given to me on my birthday

I felt a hand grab my hand, it was Gauri. She was looking with a sympathetic look. She took me towards the washroom.

We both went inside. I rested my hands on either sides of the sink and looked at myself in the mirror.

I can see myself all hurt. For him. I started to sob. I couldn't control it. I rest my head on the sink and cry.

Gauri comes behind me and hugs me. She rubs my back, I turn towards her and hug her tightly. She brings my face to her hands and wipe my tears gently. She looks me in the eye and nods her head in assurance. I nod as well and calm down.

She wipes my tears with the tissue and cleans my face. So that no one knows I cried.

After she cleans, she takes me out of the washroom, but I stop , she looks at me and blink in reassurance.

I look at her for sometime and follow her.

Edward's POV;

I was shocked when i heard her name, 'CHARLOTTE'
I turned towards her moving figure, looking at her confused. But then I remember, Manjari!!!

She saw me with her and worst thing is she was crying. The least thing I wanted to do was hurt her. I didn't want those eyes to cry.

I started looking for her, I was wandering around the hall looking for her, I checked my pocket whether my gift is there or not. And it was there, safely in my pocket.

My eyes were roaming here and there and then I saw her coming out of the washroom with gauri, her friend

Gauri saw me, she was glaring at me. I then saw Manjari who was avoiding my eyes. I looked carefully at her and saw that her eyes were red. She cried in bathroom!! Wow!!, I made her cry, that to on her BIRTHDAY!! What a gift I have given to her!!

I was hurt, I wanted to explain it to her that, Charlotte doesn't mean anything to me!!, but you do!!

I bring courage in me and start making my way towards and then someone blocks my way. It was my father. Urghhhh!! Why does he always comes in my way.

He grabs my hand and I see Manjari with a sad face.
He takes me towards the hall and says "Welcome, Ladies and Gentleman, I hope you all are enjoying the party. I am so happy we all have gathered here together. And today this gathering was not just for meeting it was also for an special announcement"

I looked at my father confused, what was that announcement.

He continued "So, let me welcome you the lovely lady of the night, Charlotte Evans!"

I see her, Charlotte coming towards us, As she comes, my father takes her hand and kiss it on the back.

Charlotte bows and looks at me. She smiles sweetly but I ignore it and listen to my father.

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