
28 1 0

1) Darkness

written on January 19, 2013

"Hello?" I called out. "Hello? Is anybody here?" Well obviously everybody in the whole entire world is here, I thought to myself. Don't sass me, brain.

It's dark. Like, pitch black dark. I can't even see my own hand when I wave it in front of my face. Where am I? How did I get here? So many questions yet to be answered... The last thing I remember was going to sleep. Somehow, I woke up here.

Bang. What the hell? Bang. Two gunshots. I thought no one was here! There better be a freaking reason why they never answered me.

I walked closer to where I heard the noise. My soft footsteps could be heard due to the eerie silence. I definitely was not wearing any shoes, yet it was quiet enough to hear it. Even on concrete floor.

As I was walking, I tripped over something. I touched whatever tripped me, trying to make sense of what it was. It was a phone. The person must have dropped it. Ugh. No cell service. I must be in the middle of nowhere then. But I could use the faint light it was making as a flashlight. With it, I could sort of see the room. It was gray and solid cement, kind of like the ones you see in movies.

I saw an open door on the opposite side of where I was standing earlier. It may be an exit.

Boy, was I wrong. It was just another room. But this one had something that smells... metallic and.. rotting. The light on the phone was starting to fade, until its light was completely gone and it was dark again. But not before I saw two dead boys lying on the cold, hard ground surrounded by a pool of deep red liquid.

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