Can't Sleep

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A/N: I seriously did not know how to end this.

Written on March 29, 2014

I lay in bed thinking. Just thinking about everything. Why am I feeling this way? I've never felt this way before, so why is it happening now? I like talking to him and being around him. Sometimes I think I'm insane for thinking that he would like me. Why would anyone like me? I need some water, I think to myself. I stood up and headed for the kitchen.

I decided to watch a movie since I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep with these thoughts floating in my mind. I plopped down onto the red bean bag in front of the television. I browsed through Netflix until I've finally settled on Beauty and The Beast. I always managed to fall asleep in the middle of the movie so I have only seen the ending a couple of times no matter how many times I watch it over again. About halfway into the the title sequence, I heard footsteps coming into the living room. I looked up to see him standing there. He didn't look like he had just woken up. His clothes weren't wrinkled and his hair wasn't disheveled. I wonder if he has even slept.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He replied.

"Why are you up?"

"Couldn't sleep. You?"

"Same." I turned back to face the TV where Gaston was trying to ask out Belle. He sat down right next to me on the bean bag.

"Something on your mind?" He asked me.

"Of course. There are always things people are thinking about and sometimes the person doesn't even know it." I answered. He gave me a playful shove and grinned.

"You know what I mean." His smile quickly faded and his dilated brown eyes stared at mine. I sighed and looked down.

"I'm just a little confused about some things. It's nothing really. I'm just being a bit overdramatic." I shrugged. He turned my head towards him.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me. Yet at least. But just remember that you're not being overdramatic. You just think that you are because you care so much about this something." He smiled.

We stayed up talking and watching some more movies until we fell asleep. It wasn't until the next morning when I noticed. I woke up to hushed whispers and a loud shutter sound of a camera.

"Why didn't you turn off the sound first?" A voice hissed.

"Sorry." Another murmured.

"I think she's waking up."

"Oh shit. Abort mission!" My eyes slowly opened but closed again, feeling attacked by the harsh light coming from the open window.

"Morning sleepyhead." Well would you look at that. My older brother woke up earlier than me. That's a first.

"Mmm.. What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes awake. I lifted my head up from my slightly uncomfortable sleeping position.

"It's noon. And what happened? Something I should know about?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What are you talking about?" He rolled his eyes and motioned towards him. His arm was around me and I was definitely using his chest as a pillow. I recalled everything that happened the night before. "Oh. I just couldn't sleep so I decided to watch a movie and he joined me." I grinned innocently. He gave me a knowing look.

"Right. Yeah. Uh-huh. I believe you." He replied sarcastically. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"We're just friends and you know that." I told him as I stood up carefully so I wouldn't wake him.

"Yeah. Because friends look at each other like Leonardo DiCaprio looks at an Oscar. Or sleep together when they can't sleep. Or cuddle each other as if they'll never see each other again. Or be extremely platonic even though they wish it wasn't."

"Dude, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Do you have feelings for him?" was the response I got. I rolled my eyes again and started to walk away. "You really shouldn't deny it. It only makes it worse."

I froze and suddenly my mind was just filled with what he had said. Was he right?, I thought to myself. No, he's just trying to fool you.

"He might like you back. You never know." I suddenly turned to face him.

"Which is exactly why I'll keep denying it. I never know anything. I don't know how I feel and how he would feel. My mind is getting more and more messed up just thinking about it." Then, I left the room.

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