Roles changing

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Dean's point of view

Oh why did I have to provoke her?

I was slammed against the mould infested wall by a deep chocolate brown haired witch who had flaming forest green eyes, I was sure that those eyes of her's actually glowed as she used her magic against us.

The witch cackled "I've been inside your head Dean Winchester you have brought up you little brother like a mother and a father yet you are still broken even with his love and your love for him maybe I can fix that? Give you the dream to give Sam more?"

Sam was rushing towards me as I shouted "SAM WATCH OUT!" but it was too late and he was launched backwards as the witch hissed "wait your bloody turn" she turned her attention back to me as I was scrambling onto my feet trying to figure out her words as she began to rapidly chant an unknown language.

Strands of emerald green magic flowed around me before I felt an excruciating pain through out my body I fell to the ground as Sam shouted "DEAN!" I shouted back with all the energy I had left as the pain felt like it was pulling me apart from the inside out "SAM RUN!"

The witch turned to Sam before he could even consider my words and there was nothing else that I could do, he soon collapsed onto the ground screaming in pain before the witch vanished into the darkness of the night.

I stumbled up onto my feet still in the same excruciating pain as earlier but I managed to make my way over to Sam.

I grabbed his arm and encouraged him "come on Sam we need to get back to the motel now!" He scrambled up using me to help him balance himself.

I got him into baby and I drove off back to the motel.

As soon as we got inside Sam collapsed on to his bed before curling up into a ball, I followed his lead and did the same falling asleep immediately after my head hit the pillow.


Dean's point of view
I woke up to my alarm blaring, my body felt odd and different but the pain had vanished like that witch last night.

I got up to find Sam not in his bed but there was rustling underneath the duvet I slowly and carefully lifted it up to find as what I could remember as my brother when he was about two years old?

I gaze down before shaking him slightly he woke up in shock and questioned "what is going on!?" He had his memory by the looks of it I guess that was an upside, I had no idea what to do so I called out for Castiel.

"Cas can you please get your feathery ass down here I need help!?"

With a flutter of wings Castiel appeared he walked straight up to me pinning me to the wall before interrogating me "who are you? Where is Dean?" I squirmed under his grip "Cas it's me" my voice was a higher girlier pitch and as soon as Castiel let me go I rushed to the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me and I looked at my face and hair my hair was long but my usual colour my face was feminine but had everything I had on last night yet I wasn't in my body I was in some girl who looked like my female doppelgänger.

I let out a loud shriek, Castiel came rushing into the room I turned to him before asking "what has happened to me?" He calmly stated "you've been cursed" I mumbled "no shit" before hugged him I don't know why I did that I just did I needed the comfort.

But seconds later I heard a little cry I rushed out of the bathroom to find Sam in a little puddle of urine I scooped him up and said to Castiel "well I believe this is Sam" Sam nodded with tears streaming down his face he turned to me and said "Dean I'm sorry it just happened I didn't feel anything" I cooed "hey hey it's okay its going to be okay" I carried him off into the bathroom as Castiel cleaned Sam's sheets with his grace.

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