Mums and tots

19 2 3

Dean's point of view
I woke up to my alarm telling me that I had to take Sam out to the welcome Helen had planned for us at noon that was all she would tell me.

I pulled my duvet off my body before placing my bare feet on the cold ground I shivered a bit before standing up and heading to the door.

I exited my room to find Sam.

I went to his room where I found Cas and Sam, Sam was running as fast as his little legs would take him while Cas was sternly scolding him "Sam you need to let me change you! I'm trying to let Dean sleep in! please help me here because after I want to make breakfast and I need your help so stop running and making a fuss" Sam shouted back "no!" They hadn't noticed me in the doorway until Sam was running nearby me and I scooped him up and chuckled before cooing "got you" he looked up and Cas let out a sigh of disappointment I smiled "it's the thought that counts Cas" he nodded as I turned to Sam and questioned "why won't you let Cas change you?" He shrugged "it's just weird Cas is one of my best friends and now he's changing me and to others he's my dad, I just want something to stay the same" I was confused "but why let me do it surely it's weirder for your older brother to be classed as you mother and changing you?" He shook his head "not really because you've always been that person to me, you've been both my mother and father also you've done this with me before" I shrugged "right I guess I'm changing you then, but Sam you might get rashes and stuff if you don't get changed when I'm asleep or not here like if I'm out somewhere like a hunt" he nodded as I changed him into a white and blue striped top with denim overalls I also gave him little black laced trainers.

Cas had already left the room when I had finished changing Sam, I scooped Sam up and cooed "little Sammy already" he glared at me and scolded me "I'm not a baby Dean!" I shrugged a reply "but you look exactly like one and well you are my baby brother so I believe I have the right to call you cute names" he rolled his eyes and huffed while crossing his arms.

I carried Sam out and to the kitchen, on our way I smelt something delicious so I sped up my walk.

I entered through the door to find Cas cooking!? I chuckled "I didn't know you cooked?" He turned around and smiled "the instructions are very helpful" I nodded while bouncing Sam on my hip and proceeding to ask "so what are you making?" He smiled "pancakes"

I walked over to him with Sam to checkout how they are going, Cas chuckled "you know I am making you breakfast that means no snooping or that little thing you do" I smirked and asked innocently "what little thing?" He rolled his eyes before facing me our bodies merely inches apart as he answered "the thing where you say you'll let me do something then somehow you end up taking over" I chuckled before Sam gaged "stop flirting or I'm gonna be sick!" My face went a crimson red as I stepped away back to the table leaving Cas with the pancakes.

I batted Sam on the back of his head and told him "I was not flirting bitch" he rubbed the back of his head and countered me "jerk" I then sat him on my knee.

He made a small crinkle sound as his ass hit my lap but we both ignored it as he turned to me and asked "why am I so dressed up?" I ruffled his shaggy hair and replied "you and I are going out" he glared at me before insisting on me to elaborate "Dean, where are we going!?" I chuckled "your going to make friends while I make friends with that mother group, don't worry Sammy it'll be fine you'll stay with me all day I think-" before I could continue Sam spat "YOU THINK!?" I nodded and he started to attack me with his little hands and feet it was actually pretty adorable.

Until I realised he was crying as well, I stopped his little hands and feet and pulled him into my embrace while cooing "I'm sorry Sammy but it's going to be okay don't worry baby" he wiped his eyes against my shoulder and said "I'm sorry Dean I don't know why I'm crying" I slowly rocked him from side to side to calm him down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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