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Dean's point of view
I was shook awake so I sprung up with my gun which was carefully removed from my hand I rubbed my eyes to see Cas with Sam on his hip I looked down at myself and yeah I was still a woman I shook my head and looked up at my brother before looking back at Cas and asking "why have you woken me up?" Cas said nothing so Sam did "it's time to get up Dean and Cas doesn't know what to do with me" I gestured for Cas to set Sam down which he did.

I placed Sam in between my crossed legs and asked "so what is that you need help with?" Sam gazed up at me while Cas answered "I can't seem to change him and he wont tell me how because he says it's weird I just don't get it" I nodded scooping Sam up as I got up and I asked "Sam is it okay if I show him how?" He huffed "as long as your quick" I nodded and took him to his room.

I placed Sam down and began to change him while showing Cas what to do and not to do.

Once I was done I scooped Sam up and placed him on my hip and headed to the kitchen on my way Cas asked "how did you do that so quickly you don't even have a child?" I shrugged "I used to change Sam when we were younger so I guess it just stuck" he nodded and we sat down in the kitchen at the table.

Sam was on my lap so that he could see over the top of the table I joked "this must be weird because your usually towering over people" Sam just rolled his eyes and placed his little hands on the table before returning my joke with a different one "well at least I'm still a guy" I glared at him before setting him on the table and saying "at least I can have coffee, bitch" he rolled his eyes "jerk" I turned to Cas and asked "could you put a pot of coffee on?" He nodded and went over to the coffee station.

Cas turned to me and said "there's no more of those granules in the thing" I stood up and glared at Sam "did you not tell me there's no coffee!" he shrugged I glared at him and said "maybe I should treat you how you look?" He shook his head frantically before snapping back "I'll treat you like a woman if you do that!" I chuckled "how would you do that?" He thought for a moment and shrugged again I scooped him up onto my hip and went to check the fridge for food.

I opened the white metal door to find a few beers and an out of date carton of milk, I picked it up and went over to the sink, I undid the lid and poured the curdled substance down the drain before throwing the carton in the bin, I huffed "we need to do more bloody shopping" Cas tilted his head in confusion so I replied with slight anger and sarcasm "no coffee and we should get some actual food because it's bad for Sam if he eats to much junk food it will harm his metabolism, so yay more shopping" Cas nodded and said "I'll look after Sam while you go get a shower" I nodded and walked over to Cas.

I handed him Sam while saying "you remember what I showed you about changing him?" He nodded and I exited the room.

Castiel's point of view
Dean placed Sam in my arms who didn't look to impressed as Dean left.

I held Sam up and said "I read a book on what the dos and don'ts young children while you two slept last night it was very insightful" Sam rolled his eyes as I pulled him back down and continued "like how to get the to burp and how is the best way to hold them" Sam huffed as I coddled him in my arms.

After a about ten minutes of Sam and I doing nothing he began squirming I looked down at him and asked "what is it? Why are you trying to get out of my grip?" He went red and said nothing, I looked sternly at him before I warned "if you don't tell me I'll pull Dean out of the shower and get him to get it out of you!" He glared at me before mumbling "fine I need you to... you know" I didn't know so I asked "do you need to be changed?" He nodded reluctantly and I took him off to his room.

Dean's point of view
I went back into my room to grab some clothes I just decided on what I wore yesterday with a clean pair of pants and socks.

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