Too Late | Shin Ryujin

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Requested? | Yes✅️

Genre | Angst

Word count | 3912


It was a lovely day. The sun was out, and the sky looked bluer than ever. Golden rays of light showered the students walking around the campus, giving them the warmth they've been looking for after the cold winter that had passed not too long ago.

The blooming flowers released a wonderful scent in the air, and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky that dawned over the two figures standing on their school's rooftop.

Unlike the bright smiles that lit up everyone's face, the atmosphere around the duo was glum. And I didn't have to ask why–

"Let's break up..."

Ryujin's words pierced through my heart like a needle, forcing out all the sadness I've been holding back for several weeks.

I wasn't even surprised at this point, I had noticed the signs way before the confrontation we were having right now.

Ryujin had grown distant and cold ever since she told me she was debuting. Our nightly calls that lasted for hours turned into texts that would end after a few minutes.

Our dates that would always fill my heart with so much love had turned into a boring routine in which the two of us sat next to each other while Ryujin kept herself busy on her phone.

I felt like I was staring at an entirely different person, and not my girlfriend who loves and cares for me as if I was the only girl in the world.

The Shin Ryujin I knew was already gone, and the one standing in front of me right now was the soon-to-be idol, Ryujin of ITZY.

"Why?" I croaked out, trying my best to fight back the tears welling in my eyes. I already knew the reason behind Ryujin's sudden change, but I still dared myself to ask why.

I knew it was going to hurt, but I did it anyway.

"I'm debuting soon, Y/n. I can't let any distractions stay in my way, I have to put my full attention on work. Our relationship will only make things difficult for me"

The sound of my heart shattering was almost defeaning, like a loud bell ringing in my ears that completely blocked out the apologies spilling from Ryujin's mouth.

"I see..." With a voice barely above a whisper, I quickly wiped the lone tear rolling down my cheek.

Ryujin, who saw this, made an expression of guilt on her face. She tried to reach for my hand, but I was quick to step away.

"Love, I'm sorry..."

Love, huh? This is probably the last time I'm ever going to hear her say that.

"It's okay, Ryujin. I understand" I forced a smile on my lips to assure her it was okay, when deep down I knew it wasn't. "You have a bright future ahead of you, go chase after it"

Ryujin was my first everything. My first love, first girlfriend, first kiss. Every first in my life was hers, and I had genuinely believed she had already taken everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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