Good Girl

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"Iris!" Charlie shouted when the reporter arrived at the labs for some update.

Iris looked around confused, looking at the lab regulars to see if she missed anything.

"This is Charlie, she's from the future," Cisco updated her.

"And," Caitlin added, "your biggest fan!"

Iris chuckled in disbelief. "My, biggest fan?"

Charlie went around the computers to greet her. "Hi," she extended her hand, hoping for a handshake.

Iris politely smiled and shook her hand.

"Oh, my gosh! You shook my hand! That's so cool! Do you want spoilers?" She reached her head in as if asking a secret.

"Sure," Iris leaned in to reply.

"Awesome! You're like, one of the top five journalists of the time! You're probably like second to Lois Lane," Charlie scoffed, "but it's not your fault. Her hero's just a little more super," she winked.

"Hey!" Barry took offense.

"What!" Charlie whined back. "It's true!"

"Any update on the jailbreak?" Iris changed the subject.

"Well, we found organic particulate residuals," Caitlin said, directing their attention to the screen projecting the behavior of the cells. "Even Barry's cells weren't as fast when he first started."

"So... is it another speedster?" Charlie asked. She bit her lip, nervous that it might be the same speedster who had chased her.

"Hey!" Barry pulled her attention. Charlie looked at him and noticed he was looking at her arm. She followed and found her hand frosted to the table. She quickly ripped her hand off the table, massaging it with her other one when it hurt.

"S-sorry, that happens when I'm too busy being nervous to keep it in check."

"So you're a speedster and a frost?" Iris asked.

"Mhmm. Well, we do have a limited social circle," Charlie said, mentioning all their friends already being in one place.

"That, is so depressing," Cisco puffed his cheeks. "We should take a break. Far, far away from each other."

"Well I have to get back to work. Log out my computer and stuff."

"Crazy ask!" Charlie interrupted. "Would you hate it if I hung out with you today?"

Iris looked around for suggestions to answer and Caitlin's smile won her over. "Yeah, sure why not."

"Awesome!" Charlie clapped. "I won't be a bother much. You won't even know I'm there."

Iris chuckled. "That's okay. Come on, we should get going. Bye guys."

"Bye, Iris. Charlie," Caitlin replied as they were leaving.

"Peace out," Cisco clicked his tongue as he grabbed his keys to join them out.

"Later," Barry waved and returned to the computer.

"Mm. That's interesting," Caitlin commented out loud.

"What is?" Barry asked, joining her at the computer screen.

"I was analyzing the particulates that Clay Parker and Shawna Baez left behind. When Clay's cells come into contact with Shawna's, they adopt her properties."

"Hmm," Barry mused as he reviewed her findings. He was going to look at her to respond, but found her disturbed "Something bothering you?"

Caitlin immediately relaxed her lips. "Why would you ask that?"

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